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Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: February 2022

Setting Property Values for ENMs

You set or change property values for ENMs by using the set subcommand. You can use this subcommand interactively or in command-line mode. If you set or change property values in command-line mode, the change is immediately committed to persistent storage.

The syntax that you use for the set subcommand is as follows:

netcfg:enm:enn-name> set prop-name=value1[,value2,...]

How to Set ENM Property Values Interactively

The following procedure describes how to set property values for an ENM interactively. When setting property values interactively, you must first select an ENM from the global scope, which moves the interactive session into that ENM's profile scope. The selected ENM is then loaded into memory from persistent storage. In this scope, you can then modify the properties of the ENM.

For example purposes only, the following procedure shows how to set the start property of the test-enm ENM interactively.

Before You Begin

Ensure that your role has the appropriate rights profile to perform this procedure. See Using Rights Profiles to Perform Network Configuration.

  1. Initiate an netcfg interactive session.
    $ netcfg
  2. Select the ENM that you want to modify.
    netcfg> select test-enm
  3. Set the property value.

    In the following example, the start property is set:

    netcfg:enm:test-enm> set start = /path/to/start-script
  4. Display the configuration information.
    netcfg:enm:test-enm> list
            activation-mode         manual
            enabled                 false
            start                   "/path/to/start-script"
  5. End the session.
    netcfg:enm:test-enm> end
    Committed changes

    The end subcommand saves and moves the session to the global scope.

  6. Exit the interactive session.
    netcfg> exit
Example 12  Setting Property Values for an ENM in Command-Line Mode

You can also set the start property for an ENM in command-line mode as follows:

$ netcfg "select test-enm; set start =  /path/to/start-script" 

The command-line mode is best suited for when you just need to perform a simple action. However, you can also use the command-line mode to perform more complex actions by carefully specifying the appropriate subcommands on the command line. As with the interactive example, in command-line mode you must also first select the ENM to move into that ENM's profile scope. You can then specify the set subcommand to set the individual property values.

When using the command-line mode, you can set multiple values for a given property at the same time. When setting multiple values on the command line, you must separate each value by a comma (,). If individual values for a specified property also contain a comma, the comma that is part of the property value must be preceded by a backslash (\). Commas within properties that only have a single value are not interpreted as delimiters and therefore do not need to be preceded by a backslash.