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Working With Oracle® Solaris 11.4 Directory and Naming Services: LDAP

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Updated: November 2020

How to Migrate Existing OpenLDAP Server Configuration

To transition to a new version of OpenLDAP, databases must be exported to LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) and imported following the system upgrade.

Oracle Solaris packaging of OpenLDAP no longer provides support for the Berkeley DB (BDB) format static backends. Import data using the default Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB) format.

Note -  The first steps of this procedure must be completed before upgrading.
  1. Make sure that the openldap service is in the disabled state.

    Use the svcs command to check the state of the openldap service. If the state is any state other than disabled, disable the openldap service:

    # svcadm disable ldap/server:openldap
  2. Dump the OpenLDAP database to LDIF.
    # mkdir -p /var/share/openldap
    # slapcat -l /var/share/openldap/data.ldif

    See the slapcat(8oldap) man page for more information.

  3. Perform the system upgrade and boot into the upgraded boot environment.

    If the openldap service is in the maintenance state (if it was enabled at the time of system upgrade), disable the openldap service.

  4. Update the slapd.conf configuration file.

    This step is not necessary if the system is using OLC, which stores data in the /etc/openldap/slapd.d directory.

    Edit the /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file to update the following configuration. You might want to back up your existing slapd.conf file first.

    • TLSProtocolMin: Minimum protocol version. Make sure TLSProtocolMin is set to 3.2.

      TLSProtocolMin        3.2
    • database: OpenLDAP database type. Make sure database is set to mdb.

      database      mdb
  5. Remove the old database in /var/openldap/openldap-data.

    You might want to back up your existing database files first.

    Do not remove the directory itself, which is owned by user and group openldap.

    # rm -rf /var/openldap/openldap-data/*
  6. Import LDIF data.

    As user openldap, use the slapadd command to import the LDIF data.

    Execute the import from a directory that is accessible to the openldap user to prevent getcwd errors from slapadd.

    # cd /tmp
    $ su openldap -c "slapadd -l /var/share/openldap/data.ldif"

    For more information, see the slapadd(8oldap) man page.

  7. Enable the openldap service.
    # svcadm enable ldap/server:openldap
  8. Check the service status.
    # svcs ldap/server:openldap

    If the service status is not online, check the service log file to troubleshoot.

    # svcs -Lv ldap/server:openldap