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Working With Oracle® Solaris 11.4 Directory and Naming Services: LDAP

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Updated: November 2020

Creating the OUD Server Instance

For information about OUD administration, see Oracle® Fusion Middleware Installing Oracle Unified Directory. For more information about OUD setup, see Setting Up the Directory Server.

$ su - admin
$ /export/home/admin/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_OUD1/oud-setup -i
OUD Instance location successfully created - /export/home/admin/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_OUD1/../asinst_1"

Oracle Unified Directory
Please wait while the setup program initializes...

What would you like to use as the initial root user DN for the Directory
Server? [cn=Directory Manager]: 
Please provide the password to use for the initial root user: 
Please re-enter the password for confirmation: 

On which port would you like the Directory Server to accept connections from
LDAP clients? [1389]: 

On which port would you like the Administration Connector to accept
connections? [4444]: 

Do you want to create base DNs in the server? (yes / no) [yes]: 

Provide the base DN for the directory data: [dc=example,dc=com]: 
Options for populating the database:

    1)  Only create the base entry
    2)  Leave the database empty
    3)  Import data from an LDIF file
    4)  Load automatically-generated sample data

Enter choice [1]: 

Do you want to enable SSL? (yes / no) [no]: yes
On which port would you like the Directory Server to accept connections from
LDAPS clients? [1636]: 

Do you want to enable Start TLS? (yes / no) [no]: yes
Certificate server options:
    1)  Generate self-signed certificate (recommended for testing purposes
    2)  Use an existing certificate located on a Java Key Store (JKS)
    3)  Use an existing certificate located on a JCEKS key store
    4)  Use an existing certificate located on a PKCS#12 key store
    5)  Use an existing certificate on a PKCS#11 token

Enter choice [1]: 
Provide the fully-qualified host name or IP address that will be used to
generate the self-signed certificate

Specify the Oracle components with which the server integrates.  It is
recommended to choose the option covering only your requirements.

    1)  No Integration
    2)  DIP (Directory Integration Platform)
    3)  Generic: Database Net Services, EBS and DIP
    4)  EUS (Enterprise User Security), Database Net Services, EBS and DIP

    c)  cancel

Enter choice [1]: 

How do you want the OUD server to be tuned?

    1)  Use specific Java Virtual Machine arguments
    2)  Use the default Java Virtual Machine settings
    3)  Provide the Java heap size to be used by the server
    4)  Provide the percentage of system memory to be used by the server
    5)  Provide the size of system memory to be used by the server

Enter choice [1]: 

How do you want the off-line tools (import-ldif, export-ldif, verify-index and
rebuild-index) to be tuned?

    1)  Use specific Java Virtual Machine arguments
    2)  Use the default Java Virtual Machine settings
    3)  Automatic Tuning
    4)  Provide the Java heap size to be used by the off-line tools

Enter choice [1]: 1

Do you want to start the server when the configuration is completed? (yes /
no) [yes]: 

Setup Summary
LDAP Listener Port:                  1389
Administration Connector Port:       4444
LDAP Secure Access:                  Enable StartTLS
                                     Enable SSL on LDAP Port 1636
                                     Create a new Self-Signed Certificate
Root User DN:                        cn=Directory Manager
Directory Data:                      Create New Base DN dc=example,dc=com
                                     Base DN Data: Only Create Base Entry
Integration with Oracle components:  No Integration
Server Runtime Settings:             Use the default Java Virtual Machine
Off-line Tools Runtime Settings:     Use the default Java Virtual Machine
Start Server when the configuration is completed
What would you like to do?
    1)  Set up the server with the parameters above
    2)  Provide the setup parameters again
    3)  Print equivalent non-interactive command-line
    4)  Cancel and exit
Enter choice [1]: 
See /export/home/admin/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/logs/oud-setup for a
detailed log of this operation.
Configuring Directory Server ..... Done.
Configuring Certificates ..... Done.
Creating Base Entry dc=example,dc=com ..... Done.
Starting Directory Server ............. Done.
To see basic server configuration status and configuration you can launch