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Working With Oracle® Solaris 11.4 Directory and Naming Services: LDAP

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Updated: November 2020

How to Set Up the N2L Service With Standard Mappings

Use this procedure if you are transitioning the maps listed in Supported Standard Mappings. If you are using custom or nonstandard maps, see How to Set Up the N2L Service With Custom or Nonstandard Mappings.

Before You Begin

Complete the prerequisite steps that are listed in Prerequisites for the NIS-to-LDAP Transition.

  1. Become an administrator on the NIS master server.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  2. Convert the NIS master server into an N2L server.
    # inityp2l

    Run the inityp2l script on the NIS master server and follow the prompts. inityp2l sets up the configuration and mapping files for standard and auto.* maps. For information about the list of the information you need to provide, see Setting Up the NIS-to-LDAP Service.

  3. Determine whether the LDAP DIT is fully initialized for the transition from the NIS source files.

    The DIT is fully initialized if it already contains the information necessary to populate all the maps that are listed in the NISLDAPmapping file.

    • If the LDAP DIT is fully initialized, initialize the NIS maps.

      1. Stop the NIS service.

        # svcadm disable network/nis/server:default
      2. Initialize the NIS maps from information in the DIT.

        # ypserv -r

        Wait for ypserv to exit.

    • If the LDAP DIT is not fully initialized, initialize it.

      1. Make sure the NIS maps are up to date.

        # cd /var/yp
        # make

        For more information, see the ypmake(8) man page.

      2. Stop the NIS service.

        # svcadm disable network/nis/server:default
      3. Copy the NIS maps to the DIT and then initialize N2L support for the maps.

        # ypserv -Ir

        Wait for ypserv to exit.

  4. Start the DNS and NIS services to ensure that they use the new maps.
    # svcadm enable network/dns/client:default
    # svcadm enable network/nis/server:default