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STREAMS Programming Guide

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Updated: November 2020

STREAMS Device Drivers

STREAMS drivers can be considered a subset of device drivers in general and character device drivers in particular. While there are some differences between STREAMS drivers and non-STREAMS drivers, much of the information contained in Writing Device Drivers in Oracle Solaris 11.4 also applies to STREAMS drivers.

Note -  The word module is used differently when discussing about drivers. A device driver is a kernel-loadable module that provides the interface between a device and the Device Driver Interface, and is linked to the kernel when it is first invoked.

STREAMS drivers share a basic programming model with STREAMS modules. Information common to both drivers and modules is discussed in STREAMS Modules. After summarizing some basic device driver concepts, this chapter discusses topics specific to STREAMS device drivers and then presents code samples illustrating basic STREAMS driver processing.

Basic Driver

A device driver is a loadable kernel module that translates between an I/O device and the kernel to operate the device.

Device drivers can also be software-only, implementing a pseudo-device such as RAM disk or a pseudo-terminal that only exists in software.

In the Oracle Solaris operating environment, the interface between the kernel and device drivers is called the Device Driver Interface (DDI/DKI). This interface is specified in the Section 9E manual pages that specify the driver entry points. Section 9 manual pages also details the kernel data structures (9S) and utility functions available to drivers are available in Section 9F manual pages.

The DDI protects the kernel from device specifics. Application programs and the rest of the kernel need device-specific code to use the device. The DDI makes the system more portable and easier to maintain.

There are three basic types of device drivers corresponding to the three basic types of devices. Character devices handle data serially and transfer data to and from the processor one character at a time, the same as keyboards and low performance printers. Serial block devices and drivers also handle data serially, but transfer data to and from memory without processor intervention, the same as tape drives. Direct access block devices and drivers also transfer data without processor intervention and blocks of storage on the device can be addressed directly, the same as disk drives.

There are two types of character device drivers: standard character device drivers and STREAMS device drivers. STREAMS is a separate programming model for writing a character driver. Devices that receive data asynchronously (such as terminal and network devices) are suited to a STREAMS implementation.

STREAMS drivers share some kinds of processing with STREAMS modules. Important differences between drivers and modules include how the application manipulates drivers and modules and how interrupts are handled. In STREAMS, drivers are opened and modules are pushed. A device driver has an interrupt routine to process hardware interrupts.