Oracle® Virtual Networking Host Drivers for Oracle Linux and Oracle VM Installation and Boot Guide

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Updated: July 2016

Unbundled Installation Method

The Oracle Virtual Networking host driver is unbundled when it is not embedded into the OS itself. Instead, the host driver is a separate, stand-alone package (for example, an individual RPM) that you must install after the OS is installed. When the host driver package is installed,you must reboot the host to load the host driver package into memory. The following table shows the existing host OSes that have unbundled host drivers. Note that the base kernel and final kernel version are the same because installing the host drivers does not change the kernel. For information about the base kernel and final kernel version, see Base Kernels and Final Kernels.

Table 1  Unbundled Host Driver and Kernel Information
OS Type
Base Kernel Version
Embedded Host Driver?
Final Kernel Version
Oracle Linux 5.9 (UEK2 kernel)
In base kernel, no.
Oracle Linux 6 Update 3 (UEK2 kernel)
In base kernel, no.
Oracle Linux 6 Update 4 (UEK2 kernel)
In base kernel, no.

Be aware that choosing to upgrade might change the way that your host drivers are installed. See Behavior of Unbundled and Embedded Host Drivers.

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