Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39646-01

xfnts_start Method

The RGM runs the Start method on a cluster node when the resource group that contains the data service resource is brought online on that node or when the resource is enabled. In the ORCL.xfnts sample resource type, the xfnts_start method activates the xfs daemon on that node.

The xfnts_start method calls scds_pmf_start() to start the daemon under the PMF. The PMF provides automatic failure notification and restart features, as well as integration with the fault monitor.

Note - The first call in xfnts_start is to scds_initialize(), which performs some necessary housekeeping functions. scds_initialize() Function and the scds_initialize(3HA) man page contain more information.