Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39646-01

Example of a Giveover of a Resource Group With Live Migration

The following figure shows an example of a giveover of the resource group RG1, which contains an Oracle VM Server for SPARC resource.

Figure 7-1  Example of a Giveover of a Resource Group

image:The diagram shows an example of a giveover of resource group RG1 which contains an 							Oracle VM Server for SPARC resource.

The giveover switches RG1 from Node1 to Node2, which results in eviction of resource group RG2 from Node2.

With the default RGM behavior, RG1 would execute its stopping methods on Node1 before RG2 is evicted from Node2.

With the newly-implemented behavior, RG2 is evicted from Node2 before RG1 even begins to stop on Node1. This clears the way for RG1 to use live migration without confronting the workload imposed by RG2 on Node2. The Stop method of the resource type, SUNW.ldom, can use the SCHA_TARGET_NODES query to find out the switchover target node, Node2, to which the live migration needs to be performed.