Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014, E39646-01

CRNP Message Types

The CRNP uses three types of XML-based messages. Use of these messages is described in the following table. These message types are described in more detail later in this chapter.

CRNP Message Type
This message takes four forms: ADD_CLIENT, REMOVE_CLIENT, ADD_EVENTS, and REMOVE_EVENTS.

    Each of these forms contains the following information:

  • Protocol version

  • Callback port in ASCII format (not binary format)

ADD_CLIENT, ADD_EVENTS, and REMOVE_EVENTS also contain an unbounded list of event types.

    Each of these forms includes the following information:

  • Event class

  • Event subclass (optional)

  • List of the name and value pairs (optional)

Together, the event class and event subclass define a unique “event type.” The document type definition (DTD) from which the classes of SC_CALLBACK_REG are generated is SC_CALLBACK_REG. This DTD is described in more detail in Appendix D, Document Type Definitions for the CRNP.
This message contains the following information:
  • Protocol version

  • Error code

  • Error message

The DTD from which the classes of SC_REPLY are generated is SC_REPLY. This DTD is described in more detail in Appendix D, Document Type Definitions for the CRNP.
This message contains the following information:
  • Protocol version

  • Event class

  • Event subclass

  • Vendor

  • Publisher

  • Name and value pairs list (0 or more name and value pair data structures)

    • Name (string)

    • Value (string or string array)

The values in an SC_EVENT are not typed. The DTD from which the classes of SC_EVENT are generated is SC_EVENT. This DTD is described in more detail in Appendix D, Document Type Definitions for the CRNP.