Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014, E39646-01

How the Stop Method Works

The RGM runs the Stop method on a cluster node when the resource group that contains the HA-DNS resource is brought offline on that node or if the resource group is online and the resource is disabled. This method stops the in.named (DNS) daemon on that node.

This section describes the major pieces of the Stop method for the sample application. This section does not describe functionality that is common to all callback methods, such as the parse_args() function. This section also does not describe using the syslog() function. Common functionality is described in Providing Common Functionality to All Methods.

For the complete listing of the Stop method, see Stop Method Code Listing.

What the Stop Method Does

There are two primary considerations when attempting to stop the data service. The first is to provide an orderly shutdown. Sending a SIGTERM signal through pmfadm is the best way to accomplish an orderly shutdown.

The second consideration is to ensure that the data service is actually stopped to avoid putting it in Stop_failed state. The best way to accomplish putting the data service in this state is to send a SIGKILL signal through pmfadm.

The Stop method in the sample data service takes both of these considerations into account. It first sends a SIGTERM signal. If this signal fails to stop the data service, the method sends a SIGKILL signal.

Before attempting to stop DNS, this Stop method verifies that the process is actually running. If the process is running, Stop uses the PMF (pmfadm) to stop the process.

This Stop method is guaranteed to be idempotent. Although the RGM should not call a Stop method twice without first starting the data service with a call to its Start method, the RGM could call a Stop method on a resource even though the resource was never started or the resource died of its own accord. Therefore, this Stop method exits with success even if DNS is not running.

Stopping the Application

The Stop method provides a two-tiered approach to stopping the data service: an orderly or smooth approach using a SIGTERM signal through pmfadm and an abrupt or hard approach using a SIGKILL signal. The Stop method obtains the Stop_timeout value (the amount of time in which the Stop method must return). Stop allocates 80 percent of this time to stopping smoothly and 15 percent to stopping abruptly (5 percent is reserved), as shown in the following sample code.


The Stop method uses pmfadm -q to verify that the DNS daemon is running. If the DNS daemon is running, Stop first uses pmfadm -s to send a TERM signal to terminate the DNS process. If this signal fails to terminate the process after 80 percent of the timeout value has expired, Stop sends a SIGKILL signal. If this signal also fails to terminate the process within 15 percent of the timeout value, the method logs an error message and exits with an error status.

If pmfadm terminates the process, the method logs a message that the process has stopped and exits with success.

If the DNS process is not running, the method logs a message that it is not running and exits with success anyway. The following code sample shows how Stop uses pmfadm to stop the DNS process.

# See if in.named is running, and if so, kill it.
if pmfadm -q $PMF_TAG; then
# Send a SIGTERM signal to the data service and wait for 80% of the
# total timeout value.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
“${ARGV0} Failed to stop HA-DNS with SIGTERM; Retry with \

# Since the data service did not stop with a SIGTERM signal, use
# SIGKILL now and wait for another 15% of the total timeout value.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
-t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
“${ARGV0} Failed to stop HA-DNS; Exiting UNSUCCESSFUL”
exit 1
# The data service is not running as of now. Log a message and
# exit success.
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
-t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
“HA-DNS is not started”

# Even if HA-DNS is not running, exit success to avoid putting
# the data service resource in STOP_FAILED State.
exit 0

# Could successfully stop DNS. Log a message and exit success.
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
“HA-DNS successfully stopped”
exit 0

Stop Exit Status

A Stop method should not exit with success until the underlying application is actually stopped, particularly if other data services depend on it. Failure to do so can result in data corruption.

For a complex application, such as a database, be certain to set the value for the Stop_timeout property in the RTR file sufficiently high to allow time for the application to clean up while stopping.

If this method fails to stop DNS and exits with failure status, the RGM checks the Failover_mode property, which determines how to react. The sample data service does not explicitly set the Failover_mode property, so this property has the default value NONE (unless the cluster administrator overrides the default value and specifies a different value). In this case, the RGM takes no action other than to set the state of the data service to Stop_failed. The cluster administrator needs to stop the application forcibly and clear the Stop_failed state.