Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39646-01

Executing the Application Under a Specified Oracle Solaris Project

If the su username command is used in a Prenet_start or Start method to execute the application program as a specified user, the application runs under the Oracle Solaris project associated with the username, regardless of the setting of the Resource_project_name resource property or RG_project_name resource group property.

To restore the correct behavior of the Resource_project_name and RG_project_name properties, execute newtask(1) to set the project name after executing the su command. The user-specified project name can be determined by querying the Resource_project_name resource property and the RG_project_name resource group property. If Resource_project_name is set to a non-empty value, its value takes precedence and must be used in the newtask command. If Resource_project_name is null or empty, the value of RG_project_name (if non-empty), must be used. If both of these properties are null or empty, your Start method can set a particular project name, for example default, or can allow the application to execute under the project associated with the username.