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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
oracle.ide Contains classes that allow addins access to the IDE integration objects. 
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.cmd.buffer Contains command class implementations and static utility methods that can be used by Addins to modify the contents of a text-based IDE document in an undoable manner. 
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.dependency Provides information about the dependencies between files in an application. 
oracle.ide.dependency.index Provides the ability to store and retrieve dependency information using the index. 
oracle.ide.editor Contains classes and interfaces that allow addins to add their own specialized editors to JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.index Classes used to build and query indexes of source files. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.migration Contains API classes for support the migration of Node types and user preferences in the system directory. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. 
oracle.ide.panels Provides a framework for building panel-based UI. 
oracle.ide.quickdiff Contains classes for the code editor's Quick Diff margin and a registry for its supported comparable reference types. 
oracle.ide.resourcebundle Provides a designtime abstraction around locating and managing resource bundles used by visual and non-visual editors. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.ide.vcs Contains application-level interfaces to the version control sub-system. 
oracle.ide.xml Provides common methods used for processing XML. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform The base classes for defining transformations on the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder This package contains the base implementations for the set of classes used for creating new objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls The cls package provides classes and interfaces for generating Java classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file The file package includes the classes and interfaces for generating file objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.javapckg contains classes nbsp;that can be used to invoke and control the integrated compare (diff) viewer in JDeveloper and hook into the Compare With menu. 
oracle.jdeveloper.compiler Contains classes that allow addins to integrate their own build system translator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.history Provides dependency information for Java. Public implementations of the JavaFileProvider interface. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser Offline Database Node implementations for the JDeveloper's Application Navigator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 


Uses of Node in oracle.bali.xml.addin


Subclasses of Node in oracle.bali.xml.addin
 class oracle.bali.xml.addin.XMLSourceNode


Uses of Node in oracle.ide


Methods in oracle.ide that return Node
 Node Context.getNode()
          Gets the Node that owns the selection.


Methods in oracle.ide with parameters of type Node
static Context Context.newIdeContext(Node node)
          Returns a Context initialized with the active Workspace, its active Project, the main window's last active View, and the specified Node as the node, element, and selection.
 void Context.setNode(Node node)
          Sets the Node that owns the selection.


Constructors in oracle.ide with parameters of type Node
Context(Node node)
Context(View view, Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.cmd


Fields in oracle.ide.cmd declared as Node
protected  Node SaveAsCommand._duplicate


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd that return Node
 Node[] RemoveFileCommand.getAffectedNodes()
 Node[] CloseNodeCommand.getAffectedNodes()
          Returns an array of the Nodes closed.
 Node[] RestoreHistoryRenameCommand.getHistoriedNodes()
 Node[] RestoreHistoryCommand.getHistoriedNodes()
 Node[] HistoryGeneratingCommand.getHistoriedNodes()
          Get an array of Node whose state should be persisted.
static Node RenameMessage.getNewNode(UpdateMessage message)
          Get the new Node created when an existing one was renamed.
static Node RenameMessage.getRemovedNode(UpdateMessage message)
          Get the Node being removed because the rename caused the creation of a new node.
static Node RenameMessage.getRenamedNode(UpdateMessage message)
          Get the renamed Node.


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd with parameters of type Node
static void AddContentCommand.addToProject(Node[] nodes, Project project, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Deprecated. Use Project.add(Node, String) or Project.add(Node[], String)
static void AddContentCommand.addToProject(Node node, Project project, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Deprecated. Use Project.add(Node, String) or Project.add(Node[], String)
 int CloseNodeCommand.close(Node node)
          Close the specified Node.
 int CloseNodeCommand.close(Node node, boolean uncache, boolean removeUnsavedNode)
          Close the specified node.
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.convertToDupNode(Node doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.convertToDupNode(Node doc)
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.convertToNewNode(Node doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.convertToNewNode(Node doc)
          Rename with node conversion.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, Node doc, oldURL, Node node, Context context)
          Case 3) Child renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, oldURL, Node node, Context context)
          Case 1) Child rename notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireChildRenamed(Subject subject, oldURL, Node node, Node duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Child renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Node doc, oldURL, Node node, Context context)
          Case 3) Object renamed notification.
static void RenameMessage.fireObjectRenamed(Subject subject, oldURL, Node node, Node duplicate, Context context)
          Case 2) Object renamed notification.
protected  void SaveAsCommand.getOwningContentSet(Node node)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.handleNodeOwnership(Node doc, Node node, oldURL)
          This method handles adding/removing/replacing the Node from it's owner Subclasses of the command may need to handle ownership differently (eg, RenameCommand should do something different from SaveAsCommand).
protected  int RenameCommand.handleNodeOwnership(Node doc, Node node, oldURL)
static int RevertNodeCommand.reload(Node node)
          Utility method to reload a specified Node without confirmation.
static int RevertNodeCommand.reload(Node node, boolean confirm)
          Utility method to reload a specified Node with optional confirmation.
protected  boolean RemoveFileCommand.remove(Node node, Folder owner)
          Removes element from owner.
protected  boolean RemoveFromDiskCommand.remove(Node node, Folder owner)
 void FileOpenHistory.removeHistory(Node node)
          Remove the specified Node from the opened node history.
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.saveAsDupNode(Node doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveAsDupNode(Node doc)
          There is already a node in the cache with the new url.
protected  int RenameCommand.saveAsDupNode(Node doc)
          There is already a node in the cache with the new url.
protected  int EditorSaveAsCommand.saveAsNewNode(Node doc)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveAsNewNode(Node doc)
          The specified doc is being saved as a different name in addition to the name it already has.
protected  int RenameCommand.saveAsNewNode(Node doc)
          The specified doc is being renamed.
protected  boolean RestoreHistoryRenameCommand.saveFileDlgOK(Context context, Node doc, java.lang.String dialogTitle)
protected  boolean SaveAsCommand.saveFileDlgOK(Context context, Node doc, java.lang.String dialogTitle)
protected  int SaveAsCommand.saveNode(Node doc)
protected  int RenameCommand.saveNode(Node doc)
static void RenameMessage.setRenamedNode(UpdateMessage message, Node renamedNode)
 void FileOpenHistory.updateHistory(Node node)
          Add the specified Node to the opened node history.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer


Methods in oracle.ide.cmd.buffer with parameters of type Node
static void EditProcessor.doEdit(Edit edit, Node node, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to invoke the specified edit for the given Node as a command.
static void EditProcessor.doInsert(char[] insertData, int insertOffset, Node node, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single insert in the Node.
static void EditProcessor.doRemove(int removeOffset, int removeCount, Node node, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single remove in the Node.
static void EditProcessor.doReplace(char[] replaceData, int replaceStartOffset, int replaceEndOffset, Node node, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a single replace in the Node with the specified replace data.
static void EditProcessor.doReplaceAll(char[] replaceData, Node node, boolean isUndoable, java.lang.String editName, java.lang.Object origin)
          Utility routine to perform a replace all in the Node with the new contents.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.config


Subclasses of Node in oracle.ide.config
 class RegisteredDynamicNode


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.controller


Methods in oracle.ide.controller that return Node
 Node[] Command.getAffectedNodes()
          This method should return an array of Nodes affected by the execution of this command.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.db.model


Subclasses of Node in oracle.ide.db.model
 class BaseDBObjectNode
          Convenience subclass of Node that implements DBObjectNode.
 class BaseDBObjectTextNode
          Convenience subclass of TextNode that implements DBObjectNode.
 class BasePlSqlTextNode
          Convenience subclass of BaseDBObjectTextNode specifically for PlSql nodes in the navigator.
 class SqlNode
          The SqlNode class is a TextNode that represents an SQL or PL/SQL file.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.dependency


Methods in oracle.ide.dependency with parameters of type Node
 boolean DeclarationProvider.canGetDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
          Determine whether this provider can get declarations for a Node.
 boolean URLDeclarationProvider.canGetDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 boolean ReferenceProvider.canGetReferences(Context context, Node node)
          Determine whether this provider can get references for a Node.
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> DeclarationProvider.getDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
          Get all declarations for a Node.
abstract  java.util.Collection<Declaration> DependencyManager.getDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
          Get all declarations for a Node.
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> URLDeclarationProvider.getDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Reference> ReferenceProvider.getReferences(Context context, Node node)
          Get all references for a Node.
abstract  java.util.Collection<Reference> DependencyManager.getReferences(Context context, Node node)
          Get all references for a Node.
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> DeclarationProvider.getTopLevelDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
          Get all top-level declarations for a Node.
abstract  java.util.Collection<Declaration> DependencyManager.getTopLevelDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
          Get all top-level declarations for a Node.
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> URLDeclarationProvider.getTopLevelDeclarations(Context context, Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.dependency.index


Methods in oracle.ide.dependency.index with parameters of type Node
 boolean IndexDeclarationProvider.canGetDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 boolean IndexReferenceProvider.canGetReferences(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> IndexDeclarationProvider.getDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Reference> IndexReferenceProvider.getReferences(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<? extends Declaration> IndexDeclarationProvider.getTopLevelDeclarations(Context context, Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.editor


Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return Node
 Node[] Editor.getDependentNodes()
          Editors which access or manipulate more than one Node must return these Nodes using this method.


Methods in oracle.ide.editor that return types with arguments of type Node
 java.util.List<Node> SaveFilesEvent.dirtyNodes()
          Returns the list of dirty nodes to be closed.
 java.util.List<Node> FilesToSaveGroup.nodesToSave()
          Returns the list of nodes to save.


Methods in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Node
 boolean FilesToSaveGroup.contains(Node n)
          Indicates whether this group contains the given node.
abstract  EditorAddin EditorManager.getBestEditorAddin(Node node)
          Retrieves the best EditorAddin based on the default editor preference for the Node, or by querying the editor addin registry.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node, Context context)
          Open the specified node using the default editor.
static Editor EditorUtil.openExplicitDefaultEditorInFrame(Node node)
          Opens the specified editor and makes the document 'explicit'
abstract  EditorPath EditorManager.searchEditor(Node node)


Constructors in oracle.ide.editor with parameters of type Node
EditorCriteria(Node node)


Constructor parameters in oracle.ide.editor with type arguments of type Node
FilesToSaveGroup(java.lang.String description, java.util.List<Node> nodesToSave)
          Creates a new group of nodes to be saved together.
FilesToSaveGroup(java.lang.String description, java.lang.String toolTip, java.util.List<Node> nodesToSave)
          Creates a new group of nodes to be saved together.
SaveFilesEvent(java.util.List<Node> dirtyNodes)
          Creates a new FileClosingEvent.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.explorer


Fields in oracle.ide.explorer declared as Node
protected  Node Explorer.defaultNode


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.index


Methods in oracle.ide.index that return Node
 Node IndexingContext.getNode()
          Get the Node being indexed.


Method parameters in oracle.ide.index with type arguments of type Node
abstract  void IndexManager.addIndexer(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> nodeClass, java.lang.Class<? extends Indexer> indexer)
          Add an Indexer class for files with the given Node type.
 QueryProgress Index.findNodes(java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Convenience method to find all Nodes of the given type in the scope of this index.
 QueryProgress Index.findNodes(QueryCriteria criteria, java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Convenience method to find all Nodes of the given type in the scope of this index, that also match the given crieria.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.inspector


Methods in oracle.ide.inspector that return Node
 Node[] PropertySetCommand.getAffectedNodes()
          Get the collection of any other Node instances that are affected by this Command.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.layout


Subclasses of Node in oracle.ide.layout
 class IdeLayout
          IdeLayout class.
 class IdeProperties
          The IdeProperties class is reponsible for managing the general layout information, such as the size and position of the main application window and the opened editor frames for example.
 class Layout
          Layout interface.
 class SimpleLayout
          Simple layout information.


Methods in oracle.ide.layout that return Node
static Node AbstractLayoutListener.getNode(java.lang.String urlProp, Layout layout)
          Get the Node whose url is stored in the specified layout under the given urlProp.
static Node AbstractLayoutListener.getNode(java.lang.String urlProp, PropertyAccess layout, boolean always)
          Get the Node whose url is stored in the specified layout under the given urlProp.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.migration


Methods in oracle.ide.migration that return Node
 Node MigrationInfo.getNode()
          Get the Node being migrated.


Methods in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type Node
static java.lang.String NodeMigrator.getLookupKey(Node node)
          Build the key used to lookup a node migrator.
abstract  MigrationInfo NodeMigrator.getMigrationInfo(Node node)
          Get the current MigrationInfo for the specified node.
 MigrationInfo[] NodeMigrator.getMigrationInfos(Node[] nodes)
          Get the current MigrationInfos for the specified nodes.


Constructors in oracle.ide.migration with parameters of type Node
MigrationInfo(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.model


Subclasses of Node in oracle.ide.model
 class DataContainer
 class DataNode
 class DefaultContainer
          The DefaultContainer class is a default implementation of a Node that implements the Folder interface.
 class DeployableTextNode
          Trivial subclass of TextNode that has the ElementAttributes.DEPLOYABLE attribute set.
 class HashStructureNode
          Node implementation for an object that stores properties in a HashStructure and persists those properties to XML via HashStructureIO.
 class IdeSystem
          This class is for internal use, and should not be used by extension developers.
 class ImageNode
          Node subclass for GIF, JPEG, and PNG image files.
 class Project
          This class represents a user project in the IDE.
 class TextNode
          A base class for Nodes representing text files.
 class UnrecognizedTextNode
          The UnrecognizedTextNode is used for files that are not recognized by the node recognizer system.
 class Workspace
          Workspace represents an Application.
 class XMLDataContainer
          The XMLDataContainer is the Node wrapper for a Folder-implementing JavaBean that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework in oracle.ide.marshal.xml.
 class XMLDataNode
          The XMLDataNode class is the Node wrapper for a JavaBean class that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework Object2Dom.


Methods in oracle.ide.model with type parameters of type Node
<T extends Node>
NodeFactory.findOrCreateOrFail(java.lang.Class<T> type, url)
          Find a node.


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return Node
static Node NodeFactory.clone(Node srcNode, dstNodeURL)
          Returns a new Node instance whose contents are identical to (and copied from) the specified Node.
 Node Recognizer.create( url, java.lang.Class nodeType)
          This method creates a Node instance of the specified type with the specified URL.
static Node NodeFactory.find( url)
          Find the Node associated with the URL.
static Node NodeFactory.findInFolder(Folder folder, url)
          Deprecated. use the index model api. Since The method does not scale well when large projects are involved. We now recommend clients use the Index Model API. This new API works asynchronously and performs very well, regardless of the project size, once the index model of the project files is constructed. See Index.findNodes( oracle.ide.index.QueryCriteria, Class, oracle.ide.index.ResultCallback)
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreate(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> type, url)
          Use this method when creating a Node for a resource that does not yet exist at the location pointed to by the URL.
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreate( url)
          Use this method when creating a Node for a resource that physically exists at the location pointed to by the URL.
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreateOrFail( url)
          Use this method when creating a Node for a resource that physically exists at the location pointed to by the URL.
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreateUsingDefault( url, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)
          Avoid using this method.
 Node OwnerMap.getContainerOwner( url)
          Deprecated. Get the container that owns the node associated with the specfied url.
 Node Reference.getData()
          Returns the Node associated with this Reference.
 Node NodeEvent.getNode()
          Returns the Node associated with this event.
 Node Node.rename( newURL)
          This method renames the current node and recaches this Node under its new URL in the NodeFactory.
static Node NodeFactory.uncache( url)
          Removes the Node with the specified URL from the NodeFactory's cache.
static Node NodeFactory.uncache( url, boolean notify)
          Removes the Node with the specified URL from the NodeFactory's cache.


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return types with arguments of type Node
static java.util.Iterator<Node> NodeFactory.getCachedNodes()
          Returns an Iterator over the Node instances that are currently cached.
static java.lang.Class<? extends Node> Recognizer.getDefaultNodeType()
          Returns the Node class that will be recognized when no Recognizer recognizes a given URL.
static java.util.Iterator<Node> NodeFactory.getLoadedNodes()
          Returns an Iterator over the Node instances that are currently loaded.
static java.util.Iterator<Node> NodeFactory.getOpenNodes()
          Returns an Iterator over the Node instances that are currently opened.
static java.util.WeakHashMap<Node,java.lang.Long> NodeUtil.getTimeStampMap()
abstract  java.lang.Class<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognize( url)
          This method implements the fundamental responsibility of a Recognizer -- to map a URL to a Node type.
static java.lang.Class<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURL( url)
          Returns the Class of the Node that should be instantiated for the specified url.
static java.lang.Class<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURL( url, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type Node
 boolean NodeUtil.NodeFilter.accept(Node node)
 boolean Project.add(Node[] nodes, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Adds the nodes to the project, specifically adding it to the content set identified by the content set key.
 boolean ProjectContent.add(Node[] nodes, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Adds the nodes to the project content, specifically adding it to the content set identified by the content set key.
 void Project.add(Node node, Node ownerNode)
          Deprecated. 07/01/2008: owner maps are deperecated without replacement. This method is now a no-op.
 boolean Project.add(Node node, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Adds the node to the project, specifically adding it to the content set identified by the content set key.
 boolean ProjectContent.add(Node node, java.lang.String contentSetKey)
          Adds the node to the project content, specifically adding it to the content set identified by the content set key.
static boolean OwnerMap.addToOwnerMap(Project project, Node node, Node ownerContainer)
          Deprecated. Adds the specified node to the project, making ownerContainer the owner of the node.
static Node NodeFactory.clone(Node srcNode, dstNodeURL)
          Returns a new Node instance whose contents are identical to (and copied from) the specified Node.
static void Node.endThreadNodeUsage(Node node)
          Ends the usage of a particular node within a processing cycle of a background thread which loads nodes, closing the node if loaded by the background thread and not used by any other thread.
protected  boolean Node.equalsImpl(Node node)
          This is a helper method for)that can also be used by subclasses that implement).
static void NodeFactory.recache( oldURL, newURL, Node node)
          Removes the oldURL from the cache and puts the newURL in the cache so that it is associated with the given Node.
static void NodeFactory.recache( oldURL, newURL, Node node, boolean notify)
          Removes the oldURL from the cache and puts the newURL in the cache so that it is associated with the given Node.


Method parameters in oracle.ide.model with type arguments of type Node
static void NodeFactory.attach(Observer observer, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> type)
          Associates the specified observer with the given type.
static void NodeFactory.detach(Observer observer, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> type)
          Removes the specified observer from the given type list of observers.
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreate(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> type, url)
          Use this method when creating a Node for a resource that does not yet exist at the location pointed to by the URL.
static Node NodeFactory.findOrCreateUsingDefault( url, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)
          Avoid using this method.
static java.lang.Class<? extends Node> Recognizer.recognizeURL( url, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> defaultNodeType)
static void Recognizer.registerConversion(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> oldNodeType, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> newNodeType)
          Registers a conversion between Node classes that is to be considered valid.
static void Recognizer.registerConversion(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> oldNodeType, java.lang.Class<? extends Node> newNodeType)
          Registers a conversion between Node classes that is to be considered valid.
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Collection<Node> nodes, boolean silentReload)
          Identical to NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map, boolean) but reloads the node independently of the timestamp.
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Collection<Node> nodes, java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, int reloadMode, boolean manualReload)
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Collection<Node> nodes, java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, int reloadMode, boolean manualReload)
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap)
          A convenience method for doing a silent reload.
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, boolean silentReload)
          This method reloads Node buffers by comparing timestamps stored in the map, Node, and on disk.
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, boolean silentReload, boolean manualReload)
static void NodeUtil.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> node2timestampMap, java.util.Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode> reloadFlags)
          This method reloads Node buffers by comparing timestamps stored in the map, Node, and on disk.
static void NodeUtil.reloadNodes(java.util.Collection<Node> nodesToBeReloaded, java.util.Set<NodeUtil.ReloadMode> reloadFlags)
          Reloads all Node buffers passed in.
static void NodeUtil.runUnderReadLock(java.util.Collection<? extends Node> nodes, java.lang.Runnable r)
          Executes a Runnable while holding the read lock on the given nodes.
static void NodeUtil.runUnderWriteLock(java.util.Collection<? extends Node> nodes, java.lang.Runnable r)
          Executes a Runnable while holding the write lock on the given nodes.
static void NodeUtil.storeAllTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap)
          Stores the timestamps for all Nodes in the NodeFactory's cache that are currently open.
static void NodeUtil.storeAllTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, NodeUtil.NodeFilter nodeFilter)
          Stores the timestamps for all Nodes in the NodeFactory's cache that are currently open.
static void NodeUtil.storeTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, java.util.Collection<Node> nodes)
static void NodeUtil.storeTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, java.util.Collection<Node> nodes)
static void NodeUtil.storeTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, java.util.Collection<Node> nodes, NodeUtil.NodeFilter nodeFilter)
static void NodeUtil.storeTimestamps(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap, java.util.Collection<Node> nodes, NodeUtil.NodeFilter nodeFilter)


Constructors in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type Node
Reference(Node node)
          Public constructor allowing to create References for use as keys to project owner map.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.navigator


Methods in oracle.ide.navigator that return types with arguments of type Node
static DeleteActionHandler.DeleteStrategy<Node> DeleteActionHandler.getDefaultDeleteStrategy()


Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type Node
 boolean DeleteActionHandler.NodeDeleteStrategy.delete(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.panels


Constructors in oracle.ide.panels with parameters of type Node
NodeTDialogLauncher(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, Traversable traversable, Namespace data, DialogRunnerCallback dialogCallback, Node[] sources)
          The traversable's onEntry(...) method is called as a side effect of constructing the NodeTDialogLauncher.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.quickdiff


Methods in oracle.ide.quickdiff that return Node
protected  Node QuickDiffReference.getNode()
          Gets the Node associated with the reference URL.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.resourcebundle


Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle that return Node
 Node NodeResourceBundle.getResourceBundleNode()
          Gets the Node that represents the resource bundle


Methods in oracle.ide.resourcebundle with parameters of type Node
 void NodeResourceBundle.setResourceBundleNode(Node resourceBundleNode)
          Sets the Node that represents the resource bundle


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.runner


Fields in oracle.ide.runner declared as Node
protected  Node
          The target for this RunProcess.


Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Node
static Node RunProcess.getContextNodeForRun(Context context)
          Returns the Node for the given Context.
 Node RunProcess.getTarget()
          Returns the target.
 Node RunProcess.getTarget(boolean determineTargetAndStarter)
          Returns the target.


Methods in oracle.ide.runner with parameters of type Node
 java.lang.String RunProcess.canGetStarterForTarget(Node node, java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass, java.util.List errors)
          Tests whether the given node is runnable.
 boolean DebuggerInspectorExpressionProvider.canProvideInspectorExpression(Node node)
          Determine if the implementation can return inspector expressions if the cursor is in the editor of the incoming Node
 boolean RunProcess.canRun(java.lang.String runType, java.lang.Object cookie, Node node, java.util.List errors)
          canRun should be called by the StarterFactory's canStart method.
 java.lang.Object AbstractStarterFactory.canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.util.List errors)
 java.lang.Object StarterFactory.canStart(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.util.List errors)
          Tests whether this StarterFactory knows how to start the specified node.
 boolean ToolTipExpressionProvider.canUnderstand(Node document)
 boolean SmartDataProvider.canUnderstand(Node node)
abstract  boolean Runner.couldNodeBeRunnable(Node node)
          Returns true if there is a StarterFactory registered for the class of the given node.
abstract  boolean Runner.couldNodeBeRunnable(Node node, java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
          Returns true if there is a StarterFactory registered for the class of the given node and the StarterFactory is an instanceof the specified subclass.
 Starter AbstractStarterFactory.createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
 Starter StarterFactory.createStarter(RunProcess runProcess, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
          Creates a starter for the specified RunProcess.
 Displayable AbstractStarterFactory.getDisplayable(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)
protected  RunnableItem[] RunProcess.getRunnableItemsForTarget(Node node, java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
protected  Starter RunProcess.getStarterForTarget(Node node, java.lang.Class starterFactorySubClass)
          Tests whether the given node is runnable and returns the starter that can start the process.
 void RunProcess.start(Node node, AbstractStarterFactory abstractStarterFactory, java.lang.Object cookie)


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.vcs


Methods in oracle.ide.vcs with parameters of type Node
abstract  boolean VCSManager.checkOutNode(Node node)
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSManager.checkOutUsingUI(VCSTask).
abstract  boolean VCSManager.checkOutNode(Node node, CommandProcessor processor)
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSManager.checkOutUsingUI(VCSTask) and VCSManager.getCheckOutCommand(Node) (depending on usage).
abstract  java.lang.String VCSManager.getCheckOutCommand(Node node)
          Gets the classname of the command provider for checking out Node instances through the version control system.


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.view


Fields in oracle.ide.view declared as Node
protected  Node AbstractPinnable._node


Uses of Node in oracle.ide.xml


Methods in oracle.ide.xml that return Node
 Node XMLRecognizer.create( url, java.lang.Class nodeType)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model that return Node
 Node ModelAdapter.getNode()
          Gets the IDE Node corresponding to this model, or null if none (in particular, if this is the root or a directory model).


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model with parameters of type Node
FileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType model, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url)
FileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType model, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url, java.lang.String primaryCollationKey)
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url)
          Creates a model adapter that adapts a file Node.
ModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url, java.lang.String primaryCollationString)
          Creates a model adapter that adapts a file Node.
TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url)
TextFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType type, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url, java.lang.String primaryCollationString)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service with parameters of type Node
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElement(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to an Element to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the locations corresponding to an array of Elements in a Node to the set of locations to be audited.
abstract  boolean Auditor.addNode(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Adds the location corresponding to a Node to the set of locations to be audited.
static boolean Editors.editNode(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node, int offset, int length, boolean spanLines)
abstract  boolean Auditor.isAuditable(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
          Gets whether an Element is auditable.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform that return Node
 Node TransformContext.getNode()
          Gets the node to be transformed.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.transform with parameters of type Node
protected  java.lang.Boolean TransformAdapter.makeWritable(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.builder


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder with type parameters of type Node
<T extends Node>
          Get the Node type for the source file.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder that return Node
 Node SourceModel.createNode()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder with parameters of type Node
protected  void AbstractBuilderModel.addFileToProject(Node node)
protected  boolean AbstractBuilderModel.buildFile(Node node)
protected  void AbstractBuilderModel.postProcess(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.cls with parameters of type Node
protected  boolean ClassBuilderModel.buildFile(Node node)
protected  void ClassBuilderModel.postProcess(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.file with parameters of type Node
protected  boolean FileBuilderModel.buildFile(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.folder


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.folder that return Node
 Node FolderSourceModel.createNode()


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.javapckg


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.javapckg that return Node
 Node PackageSourceModel.createNode()


Uses of Node in


Methods in that return Node
protected  Node BinaryCompareContributor.getContextNode()
protected  Node IdeTextCompareContributor.getContextNode()
 Node BinaryCompareContributor.getNode()
 Node IdeTextCompareContributor.getNode()
 Node TextNodeContributor.getNode()
 Node IdeCompareContributor.getNode()
          Gets the primary node instance associated with the compare contributor.
 Node URLContributor.getNode()


Methods in with parameters of type Node
 void BinaryCompareContributor.setContextNode(Node contextNode)
 void IdeTextCompareContributor.setContextNode(Node contextNode)
 void IdeCompareContributor.setContextNode(Node node)
          Allows the contextual node of the compare contributor to be set by the internals of the compare framework when algorithms are executed.
 void left, CompareContributor right, Node contextNode)
          Display the compare viewer for the specified two contributors.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler


Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler declared as Node
 Node IdeStorage.node


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Node
protected  void ProblemsPage.clearUrlOffsetMarkNode(Node node, OffsetMark[] offsetMarks)
protected  void CompilerPage.clearUrlOffsetMarkNode(Node node, OffsetMark[] offsetMarks)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.compiler with parameters of type Node
IdeStorage(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.controller


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.controller with parameters of type Node
protected  NodeActionDelegate NodeActionController.getDelegate(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt that return Node
protected  Node DeployProfileDt.createDesignTimeNode(Context context)
          The implementation of this method makes use of the template method design pattern.
protected  Node DeployProfileDt.findOrCreateDeployNode( saveURL)
          Part of template method design pattern.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dt with parameters of type Node
 void Profile.addDependency(Node node, DataContainer container)
static boolean Deployment.isDeploymentProfile(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.history


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.history with parameters of type Node
abstract  void HistoryManager.showHistory(Node node)
          Request that the history be shown for the specified Node.


Uses of Node in


Methods in with parameters of type Node
 boolean JavaDeclarationProvider.canGetDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<Declaration> JavaDeclarationProvider.getDeclarations(Context context, Node node)
 java.util.Collection<Declaration> JavaDeclarationProvider.getTopLevelDeclarations(Context context, Node node)


Uses of Node in


Constructors in with parameters of type Node
JdevProviderContext.NodeObserver(Node node, sourceURL)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp with parameters of type Node
static boolean JspConstants.isCompilableNode(Node jspSourceNode)
static boolean JspConstants.isExecutableNode(Node jspSourceNode)
static boolean JspConstants.isJspNode(Node node)
 boolean JspConstants.IsNonExecutableJspSourceNodeHelper.isNonExecutableJspSourceNode(Node jspSourceNode)


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp with type arguments of type Node
static void JspConstants.registerCompilableNode(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> compilableNodeClass)
static void JspConstants.registerIncludeNode(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> includeNodeClass)
static void JspConstants.registerNonExecutableJspSourceNode(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> jspSourceNodeClass)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.library


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.library
 class ExternalLibrary
 class JDKNode
 class JLibraryNode
 class LegacyLibraryList
          The sole intention of LegacyLibraryList is to represent a libraries.xml file used in pre 10.1.3 releases such that the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
 class LibraryDataNode


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.merge


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.merge
 class TextMergeNode
          Textual merge node class on which a TextMergeNodeContributor is created for an editable contributor to the merge UI.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge with parameters of type Node
static Context MergeUtil.createMergeEditorContext(Node node)
          Create a context for merge editor invocation based on the given node.
static Editor MergeUtil.openMergeEditor(Node node, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Opens the merge editor for the given node and editor class.
 void MergeEngine.prepareMerge(CompareContributor contributor1, CompareContributor contributor2, CompareContributor contributorA, Node contextNode)
          Prepares a three-way merge.
static Editor MergeUtil.reopenMergeEditor(Node node, java.lang.Class editorClass)
          Reopens the merge editor for the given node and editor class, restarting the merge task if the editor is in 'complete state'.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.model


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.model
 class JavaClassNode
          The JavaNode interface represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JavaNode
          The JavaNode represents a Java class element in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JavaSourceNode
          The JavaSourceNode interface represents a Java source file in the JDeveloper browser.
 class JspSourceNode
          The JspSourceNode interface represents a Jsp source file in the JDeveloper browser.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type Node SourceRootHelper.determineSourceRoot(Node node, boolean[] errorStatus)
          Gets the URL for the source root associated with the supplied node.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser
 class ProviderNode
          Node for a provider in the navigator.
 class SchemaNode
          Node for the schema/package object in the system navigator.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model that return Node
 Node NodeCache.findNode(DBObject obj)
          Attempts to find the node in the navigator for the given object.
 Node NodeCache.findNode(DBObjectID id)
          Attempts to find a node in the navigator for the given object.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.runner


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that return Node
static Node Source.getNodeFromCodeEditor(Context context)
          Returns the Node for the given code editor Context.
static Node[] Source.getOpenedFiles()
          Returns the files that are currently open in an editor.
static Node[] Source.getOpenedFiles(Workspace workspace, Project project)
          Returns the files that are currently open in an editor.
static Node[] Source.getProjectFileList(Project project)
          Returns the files in the given project.
abstract  Node EmbeddedServerAdmin.getTargetNode()
          Returns the Node that will be run in the embedded server.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner with parameters of type Node
 boolean RunningProcess.canRun(java.lang.String runType, java.lang.Object cookie, Node node, java.util.List errors)
protected static java.util.List EmbeddedServerAdmin.findExtensions(Node node)
          This method always returns a non-null List.
static java.lang.String Source.getFilenameFromNode(Node node)
          Returns the filename for the given node.
static java.lang.String Source.getPackageFromNode(Node node, Project project)
          Returns the package for the given node.
static boolean Source.packageMatches(java.lang.String pkg, Node node, Project project)
          Returns true if the given package matches the package for the given node.
static CodeEditor Source.showNodeInCodeEditor(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a node in the code editor.
static Editor Source.showNodeInDefaultEditor(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a node in its default editor.
static boolean Source.showSourceFile(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node, int line, boolean selectLine)
          Displays a source file in the code editor.
static boolean Source.showUIDesigner(Workspace workspace, Project project, Node node)
          Displays a source file in the UI designer.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.runner.oc4j


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner.oc4j with parameters of type Node
 void Oc4jInstanceConfigurator.configure(Node node, Oc4jInstanceEvent event)
          Configure a node that points to a file in the Embedded-Oc4j config directory.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.test


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.test that return Node
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project)
          Creates an empty file under the first project source path entry from a string.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project, int entry)
          Creates an empty file under a project source path entry from a string.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project, int entry, java.lang.String contents)
          Creates a file under a project source path entry from a string.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project, int entry, contentsURL)
          Creates a file under a project source path entry from a URL.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project, java.lang.String contents)
          Creates a file under the first project source path entry from a string.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFile(java.lang.String path, Project project, contentsURL)
          Creates a file under the first project source path entry from a URL.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFileRelative(java.lang.String path, Project project, int entry, java.lang.String contentsPath)
          Creates a file under a project source path entry with contents from a relative path.
 Node JDevFixture.createSourceFileRelative(java.lang.String path, Project project, java.lang.String contentsPath)
          Creates a file under the first project source path entry from a relative path.
 Node JDevFixture.getNode(java.lang.String path, Project project, int entry)
          Gets a node created in a project by this fixture.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return Node
 Node ChangeListItem.findNode()
          Get the node for this element from the node factory.
 Node ChangeListItem.findOrCreateNode()
          Get or create the node for this element from the node factory.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav
 class ConnectionListFilterNode
 class ConnectionNodeDecorator


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav that return Node
abstract  Node BaseConnectionProvider.getConnectionListNode()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav with parameters of type Node
protected  void BaseConnectionProvider.addOverlayClient(Node listNode)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch
 class PatchNode


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.patch with parameters of type Node
protected  void AbstractPatchCommand.awtRevertNodeReload(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.share that return Node
protected  Node ShareProjectCommand.getNodeOperand()
protected  Node ShareApplicationCommand.getNodeOperand()


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi that return Node
 Node VCSNodeUpdate.getNode()
          Gets the node for the node update message.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Node
protected  void VCSImportBackupHelper.closeNodes(Node[] nodes)
protected  void VCSImportBackupHelper.removeNodes(Node[] nodes)
protected  void VCSCommand.updateReadOnlyStates(Node[] nodes)
          Updates the editor read-only states of nodes for the given URLs.


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Node
VCSNodeUpdate(Node node, java.lang.Object what)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return Node
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.findCachedNodes(URLFilter filter)
          Finds nodes cached in the IDE whose files satisfy the given URL filter.
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.getCachedBaseURLNodes([] baseUrls)
          Gets all cached nodes with URLs underneath the given base URLs.
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.getCachedDirectoryNodes([] directoryUrls)
          Gets all cached nodes with URLs in the given directories.
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.getDirtyNodes(Node[] nodes)
          Gets the nodes from the given selection which are dirty.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return types with arguments of type Node
static java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> VCSBufferUtils.storeAllTimestamps()
          Creates a timestamp store for later use with VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers(Map).
static java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> VCSBufferUtils.storeTimestamps(java.util.Collection<?> nodes)
          Creates a timestamp store for later use with VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers(Map).


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type Node
static void VCSCommandUtils.closeMissingNodes(Node[] nodes)
          Deprecated. replaced with VCSCommand.fireSomeFilesDeleted([]) and VCSFileEventSender.fireFilesDeleted([]).
static Context VCSEditorUtils.createEditorContext(Node node)
          Create a context for editor invocation based on the given node.
static VCSExtension VCSExtensionUtils.getActiveExtension(Node node)
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.getDirtyNodes(Node[] nodes)
          Gets the nodes from the given selection which are dirty.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with type arguments of type Node
static void VCSEditorUtils.closeEditors(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> nodeClass)
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSEditorUtils.closeEditorsForNodeType(java.lang.Class ).
static void VCSEditorUtils.closeEditorsForNodeType(java.lang.Class<? extends Node> nodeClass)
          Closes all open editors with node of the given class type through the editor manager.
static void VCSBufferUtils.reloadBuffers(java.util.Map<Node,java.lang.Long> timestampMap)
          Reloads the buffers of nodes for those files with updated timestamps.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory
 class VersionHistoryNode


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp
 class BrowsableWebDocumentNode
 class DelegatingXMLSourceNode
          An XMLSourceNode extension that allows the WebDocumentNode world to assign strategies at a single node recognition time.
 class WebDocumentNode
          Node representing Web documents: HTML, JSP ...


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp with parameters of type Node
static boolean XMLSourceNodeDelegateIdentifierUtils.isNode(Node node, Context context, java.lang.String identifier)
          Returns true if the node is a DelegatingXMLSourceNode and its identifier is the same as the identifier arguement.
static boolean XMLSourceNodeDelegateIdentifierUtils.isNode(Node node, Context context, java.lang.String[] identifiers)
          Returns true if the node is a DelegatingXMLSourceNode and its identifier is the same as one of the identifiers arguement


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.html with parameters of type Node
abstract  void HtmlViewer.openHtmlPage(Node node)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils with type arguments of type Node
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Find Nodes of the given Node type in the web-app content set.
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class[] nodeClasses, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Find Nodes of the given Node type in the web-app content set whose URLs satisfy given URL filter.
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Find Nodes in the web-app content set whose URLs satisfy given URL filter.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.html


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils.html with parameters of type Node
static void HtmlUtils.openHtmlPage(Node node)
          Open the given node in the HTML preview editor.


Uses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core with parameters of type Node
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addElement(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addElements(Element[] elements, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.addNode(Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)
 boolean DefaultAuditor.isAuditable(Element element, Node node, Project project, Workspace workspace)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model that return Node
 Node ProjectModelAdapter.getNode()
 Node DirectoryModelAdapter.getNode()
 Node RootModelAdapter.getNode()
 Node WorkspaceModelAdapter.getNode()


Constructors in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model with parameters of type Node
UnauditableFileModelAdapter(ModelFactory factory, ModelType model, ContainerModelAdapter workspace, ContainerModelAdapter project, ContainerModelAdapter directory, Node node, url)


Uses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser
 class oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser.BaseOfflineDBObjectNode


Uses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html


Subclasses of Node in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html
 class oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNode


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