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Oracle® Hardware Management Pack Installation Guide

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Updated: December 2016

Installation Issues

Review the following topics before performing the Hardware Management Pack installation.

Note -  There might be additional installation issues in the Oracle Hardware Management Pack Release Notes. Review the Release Notes, along with the following issues, before installing Hardware Management Pack.

Check the State of Modules If Your System Is Running Oracle Linux Fault Management Software On Oracle Linux

If Oracle Linux Fault Management (FMA) software is not working correctly, check that the following modules and services are in the correct state:

Oracle Linux Version
Service or Module
Required State
Oracle Linux 6.5 or later and 7.0 or later
IPMI service
Installed and running
Oracle Linux 6.5 or later and 7.0 or later
Installed and available
Oracle Linux 6.5 or later
EDAC module
Oracle Linux 6.5 or later
mcelog service
Installed and running
Oracle Linux 7.0 or later
mcelog service
Installed and running in daemon mode only

To check the following services and modules, see Install the Required Linux Components Before Installing Oracle Linux FMA Software.

Unix Installer Issue (CR 6977584)

The installer aborts when the DISPLAY variable is set on a server running Oracle Solaris OS or Linux OS. To avoid this issue, unset the DISPLAY variable before installing Hardware Management Pack.

Error Reported When Launching Installer on a Solaris System (6982393)

When launching the Oracle Hardware Management Pack Installer on a Oracle Solaris OS system, the following error might appear:

./install.bin: !: not found

You can ignore this error and the Installer should launch normally.

Running Installer on Solaris With SUNWCreq Cluster Fails (6982718)

Before installing Oracle Hardware Management Pack on a server running Oracle Solaris OS installed with the SUNWCreq (Core System Support) metacluster, you must install SUNWxcu4 (contains POSIX df command) or set the following environment variable:


Sun Fire X4170 M2 Requires Tools and Driver Installation for Correct ICH10 Slot Information (6992155)

For a Sun Fire X4170 M2 system running Windows Server 2008 R2, install the drivers from the X4170 M2 Tools and Drivers CD before using the RAIDconfig tool. Failure to install the drivers might result in the slot information for the HDDs attached to the internal ICH10 controller to be reported incorrectly.

You can also use the Oracle Hardware Installation Assistant to install Windows Server 2008 R2 to avoid this problem.

Oracle Solaris OS Servers with SUNWipmi Installed Cannot Complete the Install (7070692)

On Oracle Solaris OS 10 servers with SUNWipmi installed, the Hardware Management Pack cannot be successfully installed. The only workaround is to stop the current install using control-c, remove the installed version of SUNWipmi, and then restart the Hardware Management Pack installation.

Unable to Launch Installer in GUI Mode on Oracle Linux 6 (7129501)

When using the GUI mode Oracle Hardware Management Pack installer on Oracle Linux 6, the graphical installer can not be started. This is because the libXtst.i686 package is not installed by default. Either install this package before using the GUI mode, or use the console mode.

Installing the QLogic Support on Linux Takes a Long Time (7115215)

If you choose to install the QLogic support on Linux using the Oracle Hardware Management Pack installer, the process can take a long time. To make this process more efficient, install the QLogic package manually.

Error returned as Available space in Summary Screen (15820240)

During the install process, the summary screen might display

Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
    Required:  169,082,111 bytes
    Available: Error!

This can be safely ignored.

Host-to-ILOM Interconnect Feature Might be Left in a Disabled State When Solaris Automated Installer is Used (18696723)

When using the Solaris Automated Installer (introduced with Solaris 11) to deploy software on a server, the server's Host-to-ILOM interconnect feature (required for many Oracle Hardware Management Pack features) might be left in a disabled state after the Automated Installer performs a reboot during installation. If this happens, a second server reboot after the installation has completed should fix the problem.

To determine if your server was setup by the Automated Installer, type the following command:

# netadm list | grep ncp
ncp         Automatic      online      <-- Automated Installer was used
ncp         DefaultFixed   disabled

Oracle Linux FMA Installation Can Fail When Using Either Anaconda or Oracle System Assistant to Install the OS (19182604)

Installation of Oracle Linux FMA software can fail when using the Linux Anaconda installer or the Oracle System Assistant assisted OS installation (which calls the Anaconda installer). The OS installation will complete successfully and the software will be installed; however, after installation and server reboot, the required Oracle Linux FMA services will not be automatically started. Consequently, none of the Oracle Linux FMA fault events will be recorded or observed on the host.

If this happens, perform the following procedure.

Note -  This procedure only needs to be performed once and does not need to be repeated on subsequent reboots.
  1. Complete the OS installation process, ignoring any Oracle Linux FMA software install failure messages.

  2. After the system reboots, login as root and make a directory for the man pages.

    # mkdir -p /usr/local/share/man/man1m

  3. Create soft links to the installed man pages.

    # ln -s -t /usr/local/share/man/man1m /opt/fma/share/man/man1m/fmadm.1m /opt/fma/share/man/man1m/fmdump.1m /opt/fma/share/man/man1m/fmd.1m /opt/fma/share/man/man1m/intro.1m

  4. Enable the appropriate services.

    # chkconfig --add ksyseventd.init

    # chkconfig --add fmd.init

  5. Then, start the services.

    # service ksyseventd.init start

    # service fmd.init start

  6. Use the fmadm config command to ensure that all Oracle Linux FMA software components are installed and ready.

    For example:

    [root@testserver16 ~]# fmadm config
    ext-event-transport      0.2     active  External FM event transport
    fmd-self-diagnosis       1.0     active  Fault Manager Self-Diagnosis
    ip-transport             1.1     active  IP Transport Agent
    mce                      1.0     active  Machine Check Translator
    sysevent-transport       1.0     active  SysEvent Transport Agent
    syslog-msgs              1.1     active  Syslog Messaging Agent

Defaults for mcelog in Oracle Linux 7 Prevent Oracle Linux FMA From Working Properly (19731891)

For Oracle Linux FMA to work properly with Oracle Linux 7, the mcelog service must be running in daemon mode only. However, by default, the mcelog service in Oracle Linux 7 runs with arguments: --ignorenodev --daemon --foreground. Therefore, before installing Oracle Linux FMA 2.3.1 on a system with Oracle Linux 7 you need to reconfigure the mcelog service.

  1. Ensure the mcelog service is installed and running by typing the command:

    systemctl status mcelog

    If mcelog is not installed, you will see:

    [root@testserver16 ~]# systemctl status mcelog
       Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)
       Active: inactive (dead)
  2. If mcelog is not installed, install mcelog using yum by typing the command:

    yum install mcelog

    After successful installation, proceed to the next step.

  3. Edit the /etc/mcelog/mcelog.conf file to do the folllowing:

    • Uncomment the "raw=yes" entry.

    • Comment out the existing "memory-ce-threshold" entry and create a new one that reads "memory-ce-threshold = 3 / 72h".

  4. Edit the /etc/mcelog/mcelog.setup file and comment out the existing "/usr/sbin/mcelog --ignorenodev --syslog --foreground" entry and make a new one that reads "/usr/sbin/mcelog --daemon".

  5. Edit the /etc/systemd/system/multi-usr.target.wants/mcelog.service file to change the "[Service]" section from:

    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mcelog --ignorenodev --daemon --foreground


    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mcelog --daemon
  6. Apply the changes you have made by typing the command:

    systemctl daemon-reload

  7. Restart the mcelog service by typing the command:

    systemctl restart mcelog

  8. Confirm that mcelog is running in daemon mode by typing the command:

    systemctl status mcelog

    You should see the output similar to:

    [root@testserver16 ~]# systemctl status mcelog
    mcelog.service - Machine Check Exception Logging Daemon
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mcelog.service; enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Fri 2014-10-03 12:52:13 EDT; 6s ago
      Process: 3939 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mcelog --daemon (code=exited,
      Process: 3935 ExecStartPre=/etc/mcelog/mcelog.setup (code=exited,
     Main PID: 3940 (mcelog)
       CGroup: /system.slice/mcelog.service
                    |__3940 /usr/sbin/mcelog --daemon

Uninstall Location Changed For Oracle Hardware Management Pack and Later (23299302)

For Oracle Solaris or Linux installations of Oracle Hardware Management Pack beginning with version, the uninstall directory path is: /opt/ssm/setup/uninstall. For versions of Oracle Hardware Management Pack earlier than, the uninstall directory path is: /opt/sun-ssm/setup/uninstall.

After running uninstall on a Solaris or Linux system, there might still be directories listed under /opt/sun-ssm. The reason for this is that when Oracle Hardware Management Pack is upgraded, the /opt/sun-ssm directory (if it exists) is retained for compatibility with other versions of Oracle Hardware Management Pack. If you are completely removing Oracle Hardware Management Pack and all of its components, these directories can be safely deleted.