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Oracle® Hardware Management Pack 2.3.x Release Notes

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Updated: January 2017

Invalid Publisher in Package Repository Causes Installation Failure on Oracle Solaris System (18262997)

If a you have an invalid publisher configured in the 'pkg' system on a Oracle Solaris system, the installation of Oracle Hardware Management Pack will encounter multiple errors and none of the tools will be correctly installed. The following is an example error message:

Custom Action:            InstallSolaris11
                          Status: ERROR
                          Additional Notes: ERROR -     class
InstallSolaris11 NonfatalInstallException pkg: 1/2 catalogs successfully
Unable to contact valid package repository
Encountered the following error(s):
Unable to contact any configured publishers.
This is likely a network configuration problem.
file protocol error: code: 22 reason: The path '/mnt/repo' does not contain a
valid package repository.
Repository URL: 'file:///mnt/repo'. (happened 2 times)


If you encounter this error message:

  1. Remove the publisher associated with the Repository URL shown in the error message.

  2. Uninstall Oracle Hardware Management Pack.

  3. Reinstall Oracle Hardware Management Pack.