The following are key properties of the RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter components.


The component of class atg.endeca.index.configuration.IndexingApplicationConfiguration used to configure indexing settings for the integration. The default setting is:


The type of the record store to submit to. This property is set to data for the DataDocumentSubmitter component, and dimval for the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component.


The record property whose value is used as the unique identifier for the record. For the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component, this property is set to For the DataDocumentSubmitter component, this property is set to by linking to the recordIdName property of the /atg/endeca/ApplicationConfiguration component:


If you want to change the value of DataDocumentSubmitter.idPropertyName, you should do so by changing the value of ApplicationConfiguration.recordIdName to ensure that other properties that link to it are changed as well.


By default, the /atg/commerce/endeca/index/CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig and /atg/commerce/endeca/index/RepositoryTypeDimensionExporter components output dimension value records whose property names reflect the older Forge-based deployment template rather than the CAS-based template currently recommended. To support the naming conventions used with CAS-based deployment templates, the propertyNameReplacementMap property of the DimensionDocumentSubmitter component is used to map the older-style names to the new ones. By default, this property is set as follows:


So, for example, when the CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig component outputs a dimval.dimension_spec property in the records it generates, DimensionDocumentSubmitter converts the property name to dimval.dimension_name before submitting the records.

The propertyNameReplacementMap property of the DataDocumentSubmitter component is null by default, because the new naming conventions affect only the properties of dimension value records, not data records.


A boolean that specifies whether to flush the buffer used by the connection to CAS after each record is processed. This property is set by default to false. Setting it to true during debugging can be helpful for determining which records are being rejected by CAS, because the errors will be isolated to specific records.


A boolean that specifies whether this component is enabled. This property is set by default to true, but it can be set to false to always report success without submitting records to CAS. (This is useful for debugging purposes when a CAS instance is not available.)

Reducing Logging Messages

In order to write records to the CAS record stores, the atg.endeca.index.RecordStoreDocumentSubmitter class imports classes from the Guided Search com.endeca.itl.record and com.endeca.itl.recordstore packages. These classes make use of the Apache CXF framework.

Using the default CXF configuration results in a large number of informational logging messages. The volume of the messages can result in problems, such as locking up of the terminal window. Therefore, it is a good idea to reduce the number of logging messages by setting the logging level of the org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor and org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor loggers to WARNING.

The way to set these logging levels differs depending on your application server. See the documentation for your application for information.

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