In addition to the properties you specify in the definition file, records generated by the Oracle Commerce Platform also automatically include a few special properties that identify the document-level repository items represented in the records. These properties initially include a dollar-sign ($) character in their names, but are renamed for inclusion in the submitted records, because this character is not valid in Guided Search property names. These renamed output properties include the following:

If you want to include any of these properties for item types other than the document-level one, you can add them through the definition file. For example, if you enable SKU-based indexing by including the DCS.Endeca.Index.SKUIndexing module, some of these properties are output for products as well as SKUs, because they are explicitly declared in the ProductCatalogOutputConfig definition file.

You may also want to explicitly declare properties even if they are included automatically, so you can specify certain attributes (such as setting the is-dimension property to true, as discussed in the next section) or override the default output name. You can also suppress the inclusion of automatically included properties by setting the suppress attribute to true, as discussed in Suppressing Properties.

In addition to the properties listed above, which are output only for the document-level item type, item-type.repositoryId properties are automatically included for all item types included in the records. These properties are the output names for item-type.$repositoryId properties, which contain the repository IDs for the repository items the records represent. For example, a record for a product might include product.repositoryId, sku.repositoryId, and allAncestors.repositoryId properties.

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