To create a Staging site and agent in the Business Control Center:

  1. If necessary, log onto the Business Control Center. For instructions, see Browsing the Publishing Server.

  2. Expand Content Administration (CA), and then click CA Console.

  3. Click Configuration, and then click Add Site.

  4. Enter the following details:

    • Site Name: Staging

    • Site Initialization Options: Do a full deployment

    • Site Type: Workflow target

  5. Add the following repository mappings. To add a repository mapping, select a Source Repository and Destination Repository, then click Add.

    Source Repository

    Destination Repository



















    Note: Your browser must have Javascript enabled to create these mappings. Also, the

  6. Click Save Changes to save your changes and enable the Agents tab.

  7. Click the Agents tab, and then click Add Agent to Site.

  8. Enter the following details:

    • Agent Name: StagingAgent

    • Transport URL: rmi://<ATGStaging_host>:<ATGStaging_rmi_port>/atg/epub/AgentTransport

      For example:

    Note: The RMI port you enter here should be the same RMI port you specified for the Staging server in Configuring Your Oracle Commerce Platform Server Instances and Creating the EAC Applications.

  9. Click the button with the double-right arrow to include all of the available file systems, /atg/epub/file/WWWFileSystem, /atg/epub/file/MediaContentFileSystem, and /atg/epub/file/ConfigFileSystem, in the configuration.

  10. Click Save Changes.

  11. Click the Back to deployment administration configuration link.

  12. Click Make changes live.

  13. Accept the default, Do a full deployment (data NOT imported), then click Make changes live.

  14. To view your deployment’s progress, under Deployment Administration, click Overview, then click Staging to see the percent complete.

  15. After the deployment has finished, proceed to the next section to configure and run deployment on the Production server.

To create a Production site and agent in the Business Control Center:

  1. Click Configuration, and then click Add Site.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Site Name: Production

    • Site Initialization Options: Do a full deployment

    • Site Type: Workflow target

  3. Add the following repository mappings. To add a repository mapping, select a Source Repository and Destination Repository, then click Add.

    Source Repository

    Destination Repository



















    Note: Your browser must have Javascript enabled to create these mappings.

  4. Click Save Changes to save your changes and enable the Agents tab.

  5. Click the Agents tab, and then click Add Agent to Site.

  6. Enter the following details:

    • Agent Name: ProdAgent

    • Transport URL: rmi://<ATGProduction_host>:<ATGProduction_rmi_port>/atg/epub/AgentTransport

      For example:

  7. Note: The RMI port you enter here should be the same RMI port you specified for the Production server in Configuring Your Oracle Commerce Platform Server Instances and Creating the EAC Applications.

  8. Click the button with the double-right arrow to include all of the available file systems, /atg/epub/file/WWWFileSystem, /atg/epub/file/MediaContentFileSystem, and /atg/epub/file/ConfigFileSystem, in the configuration.

  9. Click Save Changes.

  10. Click the Back to deployment administration configuration link.

  11. Click Make changes live.

  12. Accept the default, Do a full deployment (data NOT imported), then click Make changes live.

  13. To view your deployment’s progress, under Deployment Administration, click Overview, then click Production to see the percent complete.

  14. After the deployment has finished, proceed to the next section, Checking the Baseline Index Status, to verify that the baseline index initiated on both the Staging and Production servers after their deployments completed successfully.

Note: If your deployments are not successful, it may be related to the transaction timeout setting in your application server. All supported application servers time out long running transactions by marking the active transaction as rolled back (essentially, by calling setRollbackOnly on the transaction), which could result in problems with Oracle Commerce Platform applications. If your deployment fails, try increasing the transaction timeout setting and resuming the deployment in the Business Control Center. For details on changing your transaction timeout, see Setting the Transaction Timeout on WebLogic or Setting the Transaction Timeout on JBoss in the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide.

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