Follow the instructions below to drop the Commerce Store Accelerator schemas:

  1. In a UNIX shell or command prompt, run CIM. For detailed instructions, see Starting CIM.

  2. In the CIM MAIN MENU, select [2] Database Configuration – Done.

  3. In the SELECT A DATASOURCE TO CONFIGURE menu, select [B] Switching B – Done.

  4. In the CONFIGURE DATASOURCE SWITCHING B menu, select [D] Drop Schema.

  5. In the DROP SCHEMA menu, select [D] Drop Schema.

  6. In the CONFIGURE DATASOURCE SWITCHING B menu, select [O] Configure Another Datasource.

  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to delete the remaining schemas. Be sure to delete the schemas in this order:

    • [A] Switching A

    • [C] Production Core

    • [S] Staging

    • [P] Publishing

  8. In the CONFIGURE DATASOURCE SWITCHING B menu, select [O] Configure Another Datasource.

  9. In the SELECT A DATASOURCE TO CONFIGURE menu, select [D] Done.

  10. Enter q to exit CIM.

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