After Merchandising has been installed successfully, you must complete the following tasks to make the application usable for commerce site development:

You can use the Configuration and Installation Manager (CIM) to guide you through the following tasks:

  • Specify the application server (that is already installed).

  • Configure the database connections and create the database tables for ATG Content Administration.

    Important: On a production database, you must use the CIM option to drop the existing tables before you recreate them.

  • Create Merchandising tables and import required content.

  • Configure, assemble, and deploy instances of the production and asset manager servers. (On CIM, the asset manager server is called the publishing server.)

Using CIM ensures that you complete the required steps, in the correct order. CIM often provides the preferred selections as default values. The Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide contains step-by-step instructions for starting and using CIM for these tasks.

If you do not use CIM, you must complete the same tasks using other means. The basic reference for these tasks is the Platform Installation and Configuration Guide. The following documents may also be helpful:

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