The following table describes the default roles available with the Merchandising installation. These roles represent typical Business Control Center users and simplify the process of creating internal users.


Access Rights

Content Production

Catalog Media Read-Only Access
Content Full Access
Preview Users Full Access
Price Lists Read-Only Access
SEO Tags Read-Only Access
Site Administration Read-Only Access
Site Catalogs Read-Only Access
Store Content Full Access
(added to the role if Oracle Commerce Reference Store is installed)
Store Locations Read-Only Access

Internal User Administration

Internal Users Full Access


Site Catalogs Full Access
Catalog Media Full Access
Content Full Access

Price Lists Full Access
Preview Users Full Access
Site Administration Read-Only Access
SEO Tags Full Access
Store Locations Full Access
Store Content Full Access
(added to the role if Oracle Commerce Reference Store is installed)

Promotions User

Promotions Standard User Access

Promotions Administrator

Promotions Full Access


Targeting & Segmentation Full Access
Site Catalogs Read-Only Access
Catalog Media Read-Only Access
Content Read-Only Access
Site Administration Read-Only Access
External Users Full Access
Preview Users Full Access
Store Content Read-Only Access
(added to the role if Oracle Commerce Reference Store is installed)

Site Administration

Site Administration Full Access
Site Catalogs Full Access
Content Full Access
Price Lists Full Access
Preview Users Full Access

For more information about creating and assigning users and roles in the Business Control Center, see Creating Organizations and Roles in the Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide

To learn about other default roles available in the Business Control Center, see ATG Content Administration Users in the Content Administration Programming Guide.

For information about using roles for access control, see Using Roles for Access Control in the Platform Programming Guide and Configuring BCC Home Page Security in the Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

Access to the ACC

Administrators use the ACC to manage versioned scenario and personalization assets, workflows, and occasionally other PublishingRepository items, such as projects. For information about managing user access and security for the ACC, see the Content Administration Programming Guide. For information on setting up ACC users and groups, see the Personalization Programming Guide.

Access to Price Lists

Price lists have their own interface for secure access configuration. See Configuring Price List Access.

Access Rights

The following table displays the access rights for the default roles available with the Merchandising installation. Each access right provides one of the following levels of access:

  • Full Access: Provides Read, List, Write, Create, Delete, View Owner, Set Owner, View Access Rights, and Set Access Rights access.

  • Read-Only Access: Provides List and Read access.

    Access Right

    Asset Access

    Task Access

    Content Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the Content Management Repository: article, mediaContent, folder, tag

    Can access the Commerce Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Content Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the Content Management Repository: article, mediaContent, folder, tag

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Site Catalogs Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Catalog, Category, Category Info, Product, Product Info, SKU, Configurable SKU, Foreign Catalog, Manufacturer, Generic Folder, Catalog Folder, and SKU Link.

    If Commerce Reference Store is installed, Read-only access to Clothing SKU, Furniture SKU, As seen in, and Feature.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Site Catalogs Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Catalog, Category, Category Info, Product, Product Info, SKU, Configurable SKU, Foreign Catalog, Manufacturer, Generic Folder, Catalog Folder, and SKU Link.

    If Commerce Reference Store is installed, Full access to Clothing SKU, Furniture SKU, As seen in, and Feature.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Catalog Media Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Media Folder, Media, Media External, Media Internal Binary, and Media Internal Text.

    If Commerce Reference Store is installed, Read-Only access to Promotional Content.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Catalog Media Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Media Folder, Media, Media External, Media Internal Binary, and Media Internal Text.

    If Commerce Reference Store is installed, Full access to Promotional Content.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Store Content Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the StoreRepository Repository: Base resource text, Long resource text, Short resource text, Resources list, and Promotional Content.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Store Content Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the StoreRepository Repository: Base resource text, Long resource text, Short resource text, Resources list, and Promotional Content.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Price Lists Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Price List, Price, Complex Price, Price Level, Generic Folder, and Price List Folder.

    Can access the Price Lists menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Price Lists Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the Product Catalog Repository: Price List, Price, Complex Price, Price Level, Generic Folder, and Price List Folder.

    Can access the Price Lists menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Targeting and Segmentation Full Access


    Can access the Targeting and Segmentation menu item and Targeting and Segmentation link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Store Locations Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the LocationRepository Repository: Location and Store.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Store Locations Full

    Full access to the following items in the LocationRepository Repository: Location and Store.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    SEO Tags Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the SEORepository Repository: SEO Tag and SEO Translation.

    Can access the SEO Tags menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    SEO Tags Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the SEORepository Repository: SEO Tag and SEO Translation.

    Can access the SEO Tags menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Site Administration Read-Only Access

    Read-only access to the following items in the SiteRepository Repository: Site, Site Group, and Site Template.

    Can access the Site Administration menu item and the Site Assets and Site Categories links on the Business Control Center home page.

    Site Administration Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the SiteRepository Repository: Site, Site Group, and Site Template.

    Can access the Site Administration menu item and the Site Assets and Site Categories links on the Business Control Center home page.

    External Users Full Access


    Can access the External Users menu item and the External Users link on the Business Control Center home page.

    Preview Users Full Access


    Can access the Preview Users menu item and the Preview Users link on the Business Control Center home page.

    Internal Users Full Access


    Can access the Access Control link on the Business Control Center home page.

    Promotions Standard User Access

    Full access to the following items in the claimableRepository Repository: Promotions, Coupons, Coupon Batches, Promotion Folders, and Coupon Folders.

    Read-Only access to the following items in the claimableRepository Repository: Stacking Rules

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Can access a promotion’s Advanced tab in read-only mode.

    Promotions Read-Only Access

    Note: This access right is not applied to any of the roles that are installed by default.

    Read-only access to the following items in the claimableRepository Repository: Promotions, Coupons, Coupon Batches, Promotion Folders, Coupon Folders, and Stacking Rules.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Can access a promotion’s Advanced tab in read-only mode.

    Promotions Full Access

    Full access to the following items in the claimableRepository Repository: Promotions, Coupons, Coupon Batches, Promotion Folders, Coupon Folders, and Stacking Rules.

    Can access the Merchandising menu item and the Commerce Assets link (and its associated Browse link) on the Business Control Center home page.

    Can access a promotion’s Advanced tab and make changes to its filters.

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