You can define partial URLs for any property editor that accepts URLs, such as the URL property editor for a media content asset’s URL property. Strings that you define do not modify the stored value of the URL in the repository; the string is prepended only when the URL is loaded.

You define a partial URL by creating a root string for the url property of a specified asset type. Merchandising prepends the root string to any URL accessed by that property before it is loaded. If a root string is defined for a specified property of an asset, it is always prepended. Merchandising does not validate the root string or the formatted URL.

The urlFormatStrings property of /atg/remote/assetmanager/common/service/
maps a specific repository/item type/property name combination to a root string.

The key portion of each key/value pair in the map must be an encoded string in the following format:


The value portion of each key/value pair in the map must be the root string to prepend to the URL.

To create root strings for URLs, add the appropriate key/value pairs to the urlFormatStrings property in the /atg/remote/assetmanager/common/service/ file. The following example defines the root strings for both media-content and media-external URLs as /crsdocroot:

# Define root strings for mediaContent and media-external items.

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