You can customize the sanitizer policies used by the XSSParameterValidator component by writing your own policy holder class, creating a Nucleus component of this class, and setting the XSSParameterValidator component’s policyHolder property to this custom component. To create a policy holder class, you can either write a new class that implements the XSSParameterPolicyHolder interface or subclass DefaultXSSParameterPolicyHolder. Your policy holder class can use the PREPKGD_POLICIES variable to incorporate the policies discussed above, and also use org.owasp.html.HtmlPolicyBuilder and other OWASP classes to create additional policies.

The class provides an example of a custom policy holder. It defines a static member variable named STYLE_POLICY_DEFINITION, built using the org.owasp.html.HtmlPolicyBuilder class, that encapsulates a policy which allows the use of the style attribute in HTML <p> tags. The getPolicies() method of CustomXSSParameterPolicyHolder returns this policy as well as the policies encapsulated by PREPKGD_POLICIES:

public static final PolicyFactory STYLE_POLICY_DEFINITION = new
public List<PolicyFactory> getPolicies() {
  List<PolicyFactory> policies = new ArrayList<PolicyFactory>();
  return policies;
Configuring a Custom Policy Holder

Configure your custom policy holder component as follows:

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