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Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.3 Release Notes

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Updated: June 2021

Man Pages

Extraneous Characters in the Command Lines of Some Man Page Examples

Some command examples contain extraneous letters after the backslash (\) used to indicate that the command continues on the next line. For example:

phys-schost-1# /usr/cluster/bin/clresource create epm-rg \fR
-t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \fR
-p FileSystemMountPoints=/global/epm_mnt \fR
-d epm-hasp-r

The fR letters after the backslash can be ignored.

geopg(1M) Man Page

  • Beginning with the Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3.6 release, the geopg status command supports the following additional option:


    Displays messages for any errors that put the configuration in the Error state, and messages for any errors that put the replication resource in the FAULTED or DEGRADED error states.

  • The geopg(1M) man page is missing information about the extension properties for Oracle GoldenGate data replication for Geographic Edition. See Appendix A, Oracle GoldenGate Replication Extension Properties, in Oracle Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle GoldenGate for information about these extension properties.

  • Descriptions of some geopg subcommands erroneously state that the action it performs is propagated to clusters in a site, similar to the following:

    • The system performs this action on the local cluster, then propagates the action to other clusters in the site.

    The statement should instead say that the action is propagated to the partner cluster. For example:

    • The system performs this action on the local cluster, then propagates the action to the partner cluster.

New and Enhanced Extension Properties for the SUNW.Proxy_SMF_* Resource Types

Beginning with Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3.4 software, the following extension properties are added to the SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover, SUNW.Proxy_SMF_multimaster, and SUNW.Proxy_SMF_scalable resource types.


Number of PMF restarts allowed for the fault monitor.

Default: 2

Tunable: Any time


Time window (in minutes) for fault monitor restarts.

Default: 2

Tunable: Any time


Name of the command to be run by the SMF proxy probe.

Default: " "

Tunable: When disabled


Timeout value for the probe (in seconds).

Default: 30

Minimum: 2

Tunable: Any time

In addition, the Proxied_service_instances extension property can now be specified directly to the clresouce command with the –x option. The following is the revised description of this property.


Specifies information about the SMF services to be proxied by the resource. Its value is either one or more fmri names for the SMF services to proxy or the path to a file that contains all the proxied SMF services.

  • The preferred method to specify this property is by direct use in the clresource command. If using the fmri name, use the following syntax:

    -x Proxied_service_instances=svc:service-name

    You can specify multiple SMF services in a comma-delimited list. For example:

    -x Proxied_service_instances=svc:/network/ntp:default,svc:/network/dhcp-server:default
  • The use of a file to provide the Proxied_service_instances values is deprecated but still supported. When specifying the property in a file, the property's value is the path to a file that contains all the proxied SMF services. Each line in the file is dedicated to one SMF service and specifies svc fmri and the path to the corresponding service manifest file. For example, if the resource has to manage two services, restarter_svc_test_1:default and restarter_svc_test_2:default, the file must include the following two lines:


    Note -  The entries above must each appear on a single line. They are broken into multiple lines here for legibility.

Default: ""

Tunable: When disabled