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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Hardware Administration Manual

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Updated: February 2017

Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations for Oracle Solaris Cluster Nodes

The Oracle Solaris Cluster environment supports Oracle Solaris dynamic reconfiguration operations on qualified servers. Contact your service provider for a list of storage arrays that are qualified for use with servers that are enabled with dynamic reconfiguration.

Note -  Review the documentation for the Oracle Solaris dynamic reconfiguration feature on your hardware platform before you use the dynamic reconfiguration feature with Oracle Solaris Cluster software. All of the requirements, procedures, and restrictions that are documented for the Oracle Solaris dynamic reconfiguration feature also apply to Oracle Solaris Cluster dynamic reconfiguration support (except for the operating environment quiescence operation).

Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations in a Cluster With Dynamic Reconfiguration-Enabled Servers

Some Oracle Solaris Cluster procedures instruct the user to shut down and power off a cluster node before you add, remove, or replace a transport adapter or a public network adapter (PNA).

However, if the node is a server that is enabled with the dynamic reconfiguration feature, the user does not have to power off the node before you add, remove, or replace the transport adapter or PNA. Instead, do the following:

For conceptual information about Oracle Solaris Cluster support of the dynamic reconfiguration feature, see Dynamic Reconfiguration Support in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Concepts Guide.

  1. Follow the steps in How to Remove Cluster Transport Cables, Transport Adapters, and Transport Switches in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 System Administration Guide, including steps for disabling and removing the transport adapter or PNA from the active cluster interconnect.
  2. Skip any step that instructs you to power off the node, where the purpose of the power-off is to add, remove, or replace a transport adapter or PNA.
  3. Perform the dynamic reconfiguration operation (add, remove, or replace) on the transport adapter or PNA.