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Setting Up Course List Fees

To set up course list fees, use the Course List Fees component (CLST_FEE_PANEL).

Establish fees for all courses within a given course list.

Page Name

Definition Name



Course List Fees


select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Student Financials, then select Course and Class Fees, then select Course List Fees

Define course list fees.

Access the Course List Fees page (select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Student Financials, then select Course and Class Fees, then select Course List Fees).

Image: Course List Fees page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Course List Fees page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course List Fees page

Field or Control


Copy Course List Fee

Click to copy a course list fee definition from one term to another.


Enter the term in which the fee is charged.


Select the session in which the fee is charged.

Charge Method

Select the charge method. Values are:

Always: The fee is charged in addition to term fees.

Not included in term tuition: The course is excluded from the term fee calculation and the course fee becomes the total cost of the class.

Charge for Wait Listed Class

Select to charge the course fee to a wait listed student.

Audit Rate Specified

Select to define a unique rate for audited courses. If you clear this check box, the system charges the regular rate to students auditing the course.

Include in Pro-rata

Select to include the course fee in pro rata refund calculations.

Include in Other Withdrawal

Select to include this fee in other withdrawal calculations. This selection is optional.

Course List Sub Fees

Field or Control


Account Type

Enter the account type to which you want the course list fee posted.

Item Type

Enter the item type to which you want the course list fee posted.

Fee Trigger

To apply the course list fee to specific students, select either the Use Criteria option or the Use Equation option, and then select the predefined criteria or equation from the lookup. If you leave this field blank, the system charges the fee to all students who take the courses.

See Understanding Equation Engine.

Course Rate ID

Enter an optional course rate ID to control the application of the course list fee using student characteristics. This field is available only if the Equation field is blank and the Amount/Unit and Flat Amount fields have a value of 0.00. You define course rate IDs using the Rate Tables for Course Fees page.

Fee Calculation Parameters

Using the following fields, you can control exactly how much the system charges for the course fee. Fees can be charged based on academic units, a flat fee, or a combination of the two. Amounts that you enter are not independent of each other. Rather, they are summed.

Field or Control


Fee Amt Equation (fee amount equation)

Enter an optional equation.


Enter the amount charge per unit.

Flat Amount

Enter a flat amount to charge regardless of units taken.

Amount/Unit (Audit)

Enter the amount to charge per unit for audited classes.

Flat Amount (Audit)

Enter a flat amount to charge for audited classes regardless of units taken.

Minimum Amount

Enter an optional minimum amount for the course list sub fee.

Maximum Amount

Enter an optional maximum amount for the course list sub fee.

Adjustment Code

Enter the adjustment code (calendar) to associate with this course list sub fee.

Due Date Code

Enter the due date code (calendar) to associate with this course list sub fee.

Waiver Group

Enter an optional waiver group that can offset course list sub fee charges.

Warning! If the wildcard feature was used when the course list was set up, the waiver group will apply to anyone who meets the waiver criteria and is enrolled in any of the subjects covered by the course list.

(AUS) Exclude HECS Students (exclude Higher Education Contribution Scheme students)

Select so that students are not charged twice for the same class if they are under multiple loan programs.