29 Overview to Tax Report

This chapter contains these topics:

29.1 Before You Run Reports

For all tax reports, you must perform the following actions to ensure that all transactions are in the Tax Work file (F0018). For more information, see the chapters Chapter 21, "Posting for A/P, A/R, Purchase Orders, and Sales Orders" and Chapter 23, "Tax Work File."

  • For A/P vouchers and A/R invoices, you must ensure that the processing options for the post are set to update the Tax Work file.

  • For purchase orders, the Tax Work file is updated after you post vouchers. (The purchase order vouchers were transferred to the A/P voucher file after you used the Voucher Entry with Receipts Match program.)

  • For sales orders, the Tax Work file is updated after you post invoices.

  • For journal entries, the Tax Work file is automatically updated after you enter a journal entry with the Journal Entry with VAT Tax program.

For the European Union Intrastat report, you must ensure that all transactions are in the Tax Work file and also upload information to the Extra Tax File Adjustment file (F0018T). For more information, see the chapter Chapter 25, "European Union Activities."

For the Japanese consumption tax reports, you must ensure that all transactions are in the Tax Work file and also upload information to the Consumption Tax file (F00189). For more information, see the chapter Chapter 27, "Japanese Consumption Tax Activities."

29.2 Reports

29.2.1 General Reports

Report Description
Use/VAT Tax Report This report can be generated at a detail or a summary level. For each tax rate/area, the report lists tax information such as gross amount, taxable amount, and tax.
Sales Tax Reports This menu option automatically generates three reports: the Sales/VAT Tax Detail Report by Company, the Sales/VAT Tax Authority Report Summary by Company, and the Sales/VAT Tax Authority Report Detail by Sales Order.
VAT Journal Report This report can be generated for sales orders, for purchase orders, or for both sales and purchase orders. The report lists information in a user-defined format. You can define up to five column headings and each column can include up to 12 tax rate/areas. You can also control whether the columns lists tax amounts or taxable amounts.
VAT Exceptions Report For each tax authority, the report lists any differences between the user-entered VAT/GST amount and the system-calculated VAT/GST amount.

29.2.2 Canadian Tax Report

Report Description
GST and PST Tax Report This report is specifically designed to meet Canadian reporting needs. For each address book number, the report lists GST and PST and subdivides PST into seller-assessed PST and self-assessed PST.

29.2.3 European Union Tax Reports

Report Description
EU Sales Listing This report is required in some countries and must be submitted quarterly if your company exceeds the threshold of intra-community trade as defined by each country's tax authority. The report lists the customer by VAT number, country of destination, and the total amount in local currency.
EU Intrastat Reports These statistical reports list details about product dispatches and arrivals among the EU countries. They are submitted to the customs tax authorities on a monthly basis if your company exceeds the intra-community trade limits set in your country. In addition to the standard intrastat reports, there are formats specifically for Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

29.2.4 Italian Tax Reports

These reports list the same VAT information. The differences among the reports are the way information is sequenced. Reports include the following:

Report Description
IVA by Tax Area Code This report is required in some countries and must be submitted quarterly if your company exceeds the threshold of intra-community trade as defined by each country's tax authority. The report lists the customer by VAT number, country of destination, and the total amount in local currency.
Monthly IVA Reports There are two versions of this report. One lists A/R transactions and the other lists A/P transactions.
Annual IVA Control Reports There are three versions of this report. One is for suppliers, one for customers, and one for customs authorities.
Annual IVA Forms There are two versions of this preprinted form. One summarizes voucher information by supplier number and the other summarizes invoice information by customer number.

29.2.5 Japanese Consumption Tax Reports

JD Edwards World does not provide these reports. Because government requirements vary widely, you must create these reports using World Writer and the Consumption Tax file (F00189).