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Oracle® ZFS Storage ZS5-ES Installation Guide, Release OS8.6.x

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Updated: March 2017

View or Modify an SP IPv4 Address

To view or modify the IPv4 address currently assigned to the Oracle ILOM SP:

Note -  You can also change network settings using the BIOS Setup Utility.
  1. Log in to Oracle ILOM using one of the following procedures:

    Note -  If you log in to Oracle ILOM using an Ethernet connection, after you modify the network settings, your connection will be terminated, and you will have to log in again using the new settings.
  2. To navigate to the /SP/network directory, use the cd command:

    ->cd /SP/network

  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you have a DHCP server on the network, to view the settings assigned to the server by the DHCP server, type the following command:

      ->show /SP/network

    • If there is no DHCP server, or if you want to assign settings, use the set command to assign values for the properties listed in the table in the following table. For example:

      ->set /SP/network/pendingipdiscovery=static

      ->set /SP/network/pendingipaddress=

      ->set /SP/network/pendingipnetmask=

      ->set /SP/network/pendingipgateway=

      ->set /SP/network/commitpending=true

    Note -  If you are logged in to Oracle ILOM using an Ethernet connection, when you set commitpending to true to commit the changes to the network settings, your Oracle ILOM connection will be terminated and you will have to log in again using the new settings.
  4. If you want to enable sideband management, type the following commands:

    ->set /SP/network/pendingmanagementport=/System/MB/NETn

    Where n equals 0, 1, 2, or 3.

    Note -  Ethernet ports NET2 and NET3 are nonfunctional in single-processor systems and, therefore, cannot be used for sideband management.

    ->set /SP/network/commitpending=true

    The following table describes the network settings.

    Property and Set Property Value
    Property: state
    Set Property Value:set state=enabled
    The network state is enabled by default.
    Property: pendingipdiscovery
    Set Property Value: set pendingipdiscovery=static
    To enable a static network configuration, set pendingipdiscovery to static.
    By default, pendingipdiscovery is set to dhcp.
    Property: pendingmanagement port
    Set Property Value: set pendingmanagementport=/System/SP/NET0
    To enable sideband management, set pendingmanagementport to the NET 0 Ethernet port (/System/SP/NET0).
    Property: pendingipaddress
    Set Property Value: set pendingipaddress=<ip_address>
    Property: pendingipnetmask
    Set Property Value:set pendingipnetmask=<netmask>
    Property: pendingipgateway
    Set Property Value: set pendingipgateway=<gateway>
    To assign multiple static network settings, type the set command followed by the pending command for each property value (IP address, netmask, and gateway), then type the static value that you want to assign.

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