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Oracle Switch ES2-72 and Oracle Switch ES2-64 Product Notes

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Updated: November 2016

Oracle ILOM-x86 Issues

  • Cannot perform power cycle of host from SP via Oracle ILOM web interface (20766502)

    Workaround — Do not use Power Cycle. Use Power Off, followed by Power On. .

  • Incorrect processor data on System Information Processors screen under SP Oracle ILOM (20766289).

    Workaround — None.

  • snmp properties changes do not take affect without a servicestate toggle (20823021).

    Workaround — Disable and then enable servicestate.

    -> set servicestate=disabled
    Set 'servicestate' to 'disabled'
    -> set servicestate=enabled
    Set 'servicestate' to 'enabled' 
  • Superfluous trap when snmp agent is restarted on the host Oracle ILOM (20823179).

    Workaround — None.

  • snmp write returns incorrect message when set as read-only on the host Oracle ILOM (20816876).

    snmpset returns a value of noAccess instead of notWritable.

    Workaround — None.

  • /SP/clock timezone displayed incorrectly on ILOM host (20815455).

    The clock timezone can be set correctly on the SP, but not on the host.

    Workaround — None.

  • snmp write data does not show up under the host Oracle ILOM CLI (20808643).

    Edits to snmp values may be successful on the SP but not on the host.

    Workaround — None.

  • Alertmgmt test rule does not generate a trap (20807736).

    When an snmp manager is set up to receive traps from the host Oracle ILOM and a testrule is performed to test the connection, traps are generated on the SP but not on the host.

    Workaround — None.

  • Error when attempting to walk sefos mibs on host and mib data missing (20807119).

    When sefos OID is walked, it returns an error. Data might not be available afterward.

    Workaround — None.