CWCollaborate Interface Overview and Setup

CWCollaborate is a MICROS application that provides a collaborative, browser-based environment for retailers and vendors to share order, customer, and shipping information related to drop ship processing, and to automatically process drop ship orders.

The CWCollaborate interface provides a means of passing information between CWSerenade and CWCollaborate, an application that provides automatic processing of drop ship orders.

You can set up CWCollaborate for as many of your vendors as you wish, and at the same time use CWSerenade drop ship purchase order or drop ship pick functionality for other vendors. You define the functionality used to process drop ship orders for each vendor on the Create Vendor (2 of 2) screen. See Working with Vendors (WVEN).

CWCollaborate is sold as a separate product. For more information about purchasing CWCollaborate, contact your MICROS representative.

Supplier Direct Fulfillment in Locate: See Interface with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module: Overview and Setup andSupplier Direct Fulfillment Processing for information on integrating with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

In this topic:

CWCollaborate Overview

CWCollaborate Setup

CWCollaborate System Control Values

CWCollaborate Secured Feature

CWCollaborate Menu Options

Communication Protocol: FTP

CDC Async

CWCollaborate Overview

Although CWSerenade allows you to process drop ship orders in several ways, manual intervention is required to complete the business processes. The CWCollaborate interface creates a bridge between CWSerenade and the CWCollaborate application which allows you to exchange information with drop ship vendors via the internet, to track transactions throughout the process, and to automate the business process. When you use CWCollaborate, you do not need to intervene manually to complete transactions. The CWCollaborate interface automatically sends drop ship purchase order information to CWCollaborate, which makes the information available to your vendors, automatically creates packing slips when the vendors pull orders, and sends tracking and transaction information back to CWSerenade. Optionally, you can use the CWCollaborate interface to process returns of drop ship orders and to process vendor’s invoices. The interface bridge contains files that CWSerenade and CWCollaborate populate with information that needs to be passed between the two products.

The CWCollaborate interface:

• Identifies vendors for whom you use CWCollaborate to process drop ship orders.

• Downloads initial vendor information for these vendors to CWCollaborate.

• Identifies retail brands you want CWCollaborate to display on screens and use for sorting information.

• When you process drop ship orders using the Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) menu option:

• Automatically creates and sends drop ship purchase orders to CWCollaborate, where they can be accessed by your collaborative vendors.

• CWCollaborate automatically sends email notifications to your vendors to inform them that there are purchase orders to be selected and fulfilled.

• From Order Inquiry or Purchase Order Inquiry (MPOI):

• Allows you to initiate a request to cancel the order.

• CWCollaborate automatically sends email notification to your vendors informing them of the cancel request.

• Receives the vendor’s cancel response; automatically cancels the PO when the vendor accepts a cancel request.

• When you create a return authorization:

• Automatically sends RA information to CWCollaborate.

• CWCollaborate automatically sends email notification to your vendors to inform them that there are return authorizations to be processed.

• Allows you to cancel an RA.

• CWCollaborate automatically sends email notification to your vendor to inform them that an RA has been cancelled.

• Automatically credits the RA and updates the order when a vendor posts a return.

• Offers the option of allowing vendors to receive returns without return authorizations and:

• Automatically creates and processes a return authorization.

• Receives return information; automatically creates and credits the RA and updates the order for the returned item.

• Tracks the status of CWCollaborate drop ship orders to identify when they have been:

• Created in CWSerenade and sent to CWCollaborate.

• Created in CWCollaborate but not yet selected (pulled) by the vendor for fulfillment.

• Updated with information entered by the vendor.

• Updated with information entered in CWSerenade.

• Pulled by the vendor for fulfillment.

• Cancelled or had a cancel request denied.

• Held by the vendor.

• Shipped by the vendor.

• Updated with a return authorization in CWSerenade.

• Updated by cancelling an RA.

• Updated with a return received and posted in CWCollaborate.

• Updated with PO cost changes.

• Updated with ship-to address changes on the PO.

• When you process backorder cards:

• Allows you to generate backorder notices with a meaningful expected ship date based on Vendor lead days and CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36).

• Allows you, optionally, to send immediate backorder notices.

• When the vendor submits invoices for drop ship orders, allows you to upload the invoices from CWCollaborate into CWSerenade, matching the invoices to the purchase order detail lines.

CWCollaborate Setup

Purpose: Before you can begin using the CWCollaborate integration with CWSerenade, you must perform the necessary setup.

Setup includes:

CWCollaborate System Control Values

CWCollaborate Secured Feature

CWCollaborate Menu Options

Communication Protocol: FTP

CDC Async

In addition, you need to configure CWCollaborate for the CWSerenade integration. See the CWCollaborate Configuration and Reference Guide for more information on the setup required in CWCollaborate.

CWCollaborate System Control Values

System Control Value


Required System Control Values for the CWCollaborate Integration

Drop Ship Values Screen (H20)

This umbrella system control value defines whether your system uses the CWCollaborate interface to transmit information to CWCollaborate for processing drop ship orders and allows you to define the retailer ID, drop ship lead days, and FTP values for passing information to the CWCollaborate application.

Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13)

Controls whether the CDC Async will become active, and whether a value of Collaborative Shipping can be associated with a vendor in the Vendor table.

CDC Retailer ID (H15)

Identifies the retailer within the CWCollaborate database. This value is first defined in CWCollaborate, and then entered here.

Note: The retailer ID you define in this system control value can be up to 10 positions in length. When you create the retailer ID in CWCollaborate make sure that it is not greater than 10 positions.

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

The number of days you want to add to the date passed to CWCollaborate to calculate Expected ship date in CWSerenade. See Calculating an Expected Ship Date for CWCollaborate Items.

System Control Values Related to FTP Processing

Note: The FTP application code you define in each CDC FTP ID system control value must be the same FTP application code used for all companies in a single environment. For example, the FTP application code you enter in the CDC FTP ID for Cancellation Requests (H18) system control value must be populated with the same FTP application code for all companies in the environment.

See FTP Configuration for more information on configuring FTP for the CWCollaborate integration.

CDC Communication Protocol (H37)

Set this system control value to FTP in a single company in order to communicate with CWCollaborate via FTP.

CDC FTP ID for Vendor Download (H16)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send vendor information to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for vendor download is C01- Send Vendors FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for PO Download - New (H17)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send purchase order information to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for PO download is C02 - Send Purchase Orders FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for Outbound PO Download Changes (H35)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send purchase order changes to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for PO download changes is C10 - Outbound PO Changes FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for PO Cost Changes (H78)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send purchase order cost changes to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for PO cost changes is C06 - Send Cost Changes FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for PO Updates (H19)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to receive purchase order updates from CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for PO updates is C07 - Receive PO Updates FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for Cancellation Requests (H18)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send cancellation requests to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for cancellation requests is C03 - Send Cancel Requests FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for Returns Download (H56)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send return authorizations to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for return download is C04 - Send Return Authorizations FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for Return Updates (H58)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to receive return authorization updates from CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for return updates is C08 - Receive RA Updates FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for Deleted RAs (H57)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to send return authorization cancels to CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for deleted RAs is C05 - Send RA Cancels FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

CDC FTP ID for AP Invoice Upload (H77)

Enter the FTP application code which identifies the FTP command used to receive A/P updates from CWCollaborate. The delivered FTP application code for A/P updates is C09 - Receive AP Updates FTP Application.

FTP application codes are defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option.

System Control Values Related to CWCollaborate Backorder Card Processing

Note: System control values FTC - Number of Days to Add for Special Handling (C67) and FTC - Number of Days to Add for Drop Ships (C68), and Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (D89), which define values used for non-collaborative drop ship items, do not apply to CWCollaborate items.

For additional system control values related to backorder card processing for all items, see Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (F19)

Unselect this system control value if you want to generate backorder notices for any items, including CWCollaborate drop ship items.

Backorder Card Print Program (D04)

Must be set to a valid program (the standard program is BOCARDS).

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

The number of days you want to add to the date passed to CWCollaborate to calculate Expected ship date in CWSerenade.

FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71)

The number of days the system will add to the backorder card processing date to create a new expected ship date When the Expected Ship Date Expires with No Shipment.

System Control Values Related to CWCollaborate Returns Processing

Refund Freight Default for Inbound Returns (H59)

Determines whether to refund freight on a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO).

Refund Additional Charge Default for Inbound Returns (H60)

Determines whether to refund additional charges on a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO).

Refund Handling Default for Inbound Returns (H61)

Determines whether to refund freight on a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO).

Refund Duty Default for Inbound Returns (H62)

Determines whether to refund freight on a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO).

Default Return Reason Code for Inbound Returns (H63)

Determines which return reason to use for a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO) when the return does not have a valid return reason.

Default Additional Charge Code for Inbound Returns (H64)

Determines whether to refund vendor’s return postage on a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO); enter a valid additional charge code to have vendor’s return postage amount refunded to the customer as an additional charge credit.

Default Return Disposition Code for Inbound Returns (H65)

Determines which return disposition code to use for a vendor-initiated return without an RA (return against a PO).

System Control Values Related to the A/P Invoice Upload

See A/P Invoice Upload Setup for a complete list.

Optional System Control Values for the CWCollaborate Integration

SKU Element Defining Color (H21)

Determines which SKU element defines color when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems. CWCollaborate does not separate split SKU information from base item information. You may wish to use this system control value for informational and data retrieval purposes.

SKU Element Defining Size (H22)

Defines which SKU element defines size when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems.

SKU Element Defining Size 2 (H23)

Defines which SKU element defines size 2 when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems.

Authorize Only Merchandise for Drop Ship Picks (C92)

Defines whether the system will authorize only the merchandise amount on a CWCollaborate drop ship purchase order (if the drop ship item is the only item left to be shipped on the order). If there are other items left to be shipped on the order, only the merchandise amount will be authorized on a drop ship purchase order, regardless of the setting of this system control value.

PO Default Status (A49)

Regardless of the setting of this system control value, CWCollaborate drop ship purchase orders are created in an OPEN status.

Print Drop Ship Invoice at time of Purchase Order Receiving (F10)

If this system control value is selected, the system prints a drop ship invoice when you receive a drop ship purchase order using the Select PO for Receipt (PORC) menu option.

Default Item Unit of Measure (B33)

CWCollaborate requires that you define a unit of measure for each drop ship item processed. If the item does not have a Unit/measure (Unit of measure) defined in the Item table, CWSerenade uses the unit specified in the Default Item Unit of Measure (B33) system control value. If there is no unit of measure defined for the item, and no unit of measure defined in this system control value, CWCollaborate defines the unit of measure on the drop ship purchase order as EA.

Note: If you have specified a unit of measure for the vendor item, it must match the unit of measure specified for the item in the Item table. See Working with Vendor Items (WVNI).

Allow Only Single Line on Drop Ship PO (M13)

If this system control value is selected, the system generates a separate drop ship purchase order for each item when you use Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP).

CWCollaborate Secured Feature

Secured Feature


Order Maintenance Access (A22)

You must have authority to this secured feature to initiate a cancel request.

Cancel Collaborate/Locate Drop Ship PO (J04)

Users with authority to this secured feature can cancel a CWCollaborate drop ship purchase order using the Cancel option on the PO Maintenance - Maintain Detail Screen.

CWCollaborate Menu Options

Menu Option


Working with Drop Ship Background Jobs (WPBJ)

Allows you to start and stop the CDC async job, which processes transactions passed between CWCollaborate and CWSerenade for each company that has the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value selected.

Working with Retail Brands (WRBD)

Allows you to create and maintain retail brands, and associate them with one or more entities in your company. You must set up retail brands in order to use CWCollaborate. Each retail brand must be associated with at least one entity. Entities are associated with divisions; the source code on an order must point to the division associated with the entity for which you have set up retail brands. See Working with Retail Brands (WRBD) for more information.

Note: Retail brands appear on CWCollaborate screens as Retail divisions.

In CWCollaborate, you can use retail divisions to:

• Restrict the display of information to the selected division.

• Specify a logo, packing slip messages, and a stationery type for a retail division’s packing slips and a logo for RA forms.

• Specify separate email addresses for each retail division, which CWCollaborate will use when sending status update, Return notification (error) and contact email.

• Set parameters for the display of Overview screens for each retail division in CWCollaborate.

Creating and Working with Items (MITM)

For each drop ship item you will process through CWCollaborate, you should specify a unit of measure for the item. This unit of measure must match the unit of measure you specify for the item in the Vendor Item table. Additionally, in order to create accurate Expected ship dates for your items, it is important that you enter accurate Lead days for each item in the Vendor Item table. See Calculating an Expected Ship Date for CWCollaborate Items.

To Send Backorder Notices

The Suppress backorder card field in the SKU table must be unselected for the item.

Working with Vendors (WVEN)

For each vendor who will use CWCollaborate to process your drop ship orders, select Collaborative shipping in the Drop ship output field on the Second Create Vendor Screen.

For each vendor who will use CWCollaborate to process drop ship returns, select the Send returns to Collaborate field on the Second Create Vendor Screen.

Additionally, you should enter an email address for each collaborative vendor in the Vendor Contact table.

Note: If your vendor enters an email address on the CWCollaborate Administration/Vendor Preferences screen or you as a retailer enter an email address on the CWCollaborate Vendor Profile screen, the system will use the CWCollaborate-entered email addresses instead of the email address you enter here for sending new PO notifications or cancellation requests to your vendor. Entering a different address on the CWCollaborate screens, however, will not update the address you enter here.

Working with Entities (WENT)

The field, Retail brand, on the Create/Change/Display Entities screens allows you to associate a retail brand with an entity. Not displayed if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value is unselected. See Working with Retail Brands (WRBD).

Downloading Drop Ship Vendors (ECSV)

Allows you to initially transmit vendor information to CWCollaborate for all vendors defined in the Vendor table as Collaborative Shipping (Drop ship output = Collaborative shipping). After you have set up the CWCollaborate interface, information for a new, collaborative vendor will be passed to CWCollaborate when you process the first drop ship purchase order for the new vendor.

If CWCollaborate already has information for a vendor, this menu option will not overwrite the information.

Working with FTP Applications (WFTP)

Use this menu option to create FTP applications used to transmit information between CWSerenade and CWCollaborate.

The following FTP applications are delivered with CWSerenade for the CWCollaborate integration:

C01- Send Vendors FTP Application

C02 - Send Purchase Orders FTP Application

C03 - Send Cancel Requests FTP Application

C04 - Send Return Authorizations FTP Application

C05 - Send RA Cancels FTP Application

C06 - Send Cost Changes FTP Application

C07 - Receive PO Updates FTP Application

C08 - Receive RA Updates FTP Application

C09 - Receive AP Updates FTP Application

C10 - Outbound PO Changes FTP Application

See Communication Protocol: FTP for more information on setting up FTP for the CWCollaborate integration.

Displaying Unprocessed Drop Ship Items (DUDS)

Allows you to review all drop ship order detail lines that have been entered but not yet processed through the Selecting Vendors for Drop Ship Processing (MDSP) menu option.

Working with Drop Ship Errors (WDSE)

Allows you to review CWCollaborate file transfer errors and delete the records in error from the CSF Transaction table (FLCSFT).

Working with A/P Invoice Upload Errors (WAPU)

Allows you to review and correct any errors related to invoices from your vendors uploaded from CWCollaborate.

Printing Drop Ship Reports (PDSR)

Allows you to print the following reports:

Drop Ship Items on Hold from Vendor Report

Drop Ship Items with Revised Due Date Report

Drop Ship Items Pending Cancellation Report

Drop Ship Items Confirmed Cancellation Report

Drop Ship Items Sent to Integrated System Report

Communication Protocol: FTP

In order to use FTP as the communication protocol to send information between CWSerenade and CWCollaborate, you must perform the required setup. See FTP Configuration for more information on the required setup.

CDC Async

The CDC async job processes transactions between CWCollaborate and CWSerenade for each company that has the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value selected. You can start and stop the CDC async job using the Working with Drop Ship Background Jobs (WPBJ) menu option. The CDC async job should be stopped and started each day.

Note: You can start the CDC async job only if the Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13) system control value on the Drop Ship Values Screen (H20) is selected for at least one company in your environment.

Information sent from CWSerenade to CWCollaborate is processed in two steps:

• The CDC async job processes the information in CWSerenade.

• The XMIT_TO_CDC job sends the information to CWCollaborate via FTP.

When sending a file to CWCollaborate, the job passes the system date, not the date the job was started.

The CDC async job processes information sent from CWCollaborate to CWSerenade when the system retrieves the information from CWCollaborate via FTP.

If the CDC async does not have the current date, invoices on drop ship orders which are confirmed or returns which are sent from CWCollaborate will not show the current date.

For more information: See Troubleshooting the CDC Async Job for troubleshooting information.

FU07_01 Serenade 5.0 March 2015