Setting Up Inventory Values

Purpose: The Inventory section of the System Control table defines parameters that control:

• Physical Inventory processing

• SKU generation and presentation

• Inventory Transactions

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see System Control Table Components.

Quick Reference of Inventory System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the Inventory application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you are working with multiple companies, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

Inventory Transaction History Retention Days (A24)

Defines the number of days that inventory transaction history will remain on the system before being purged.


Costing Method (A25)

Defines how the cost of an item is calculated.


Suggest Warehouse Placement (C44)

Suggest Location Placement (A27)

Indicates if the system should suggest locations to store product during Suggest Warehouse/Location Placement.



Type of Location to Search First during Suggest Location Placement (C40)

Defines the type of location to search first during suggest location placement.


Type of Location to Search Second during Suggest Location Placement (C41)

Defines the type of location to search second during suggest location placement.


Type of Location to Search Third during Suggest Location Placement (C42)

Defines the type of location to search third (last) during suggest location placement.


Suggest Multiple Items in a Location during Suggest Location Placement (C43)

Controls whether the system will suggest placing an item in a location already occupied by another item or will suggest only empty locations.


Location Types (A28)

Defines the type of warehouse locations used in a warehouse.


Random Stock Location Usage (A29)

Defines which location types are used with the Suggest Location Placement feature. See Location Types (A28) and Suggest Location Placement (A27).


Random Stock Location Assignment Sequence (A30)

Define the warehouse type that will be evaluated first when the Suggest Location Placement feature is used. See Location Types (A28) and Suggest Location Placement (A27).


Location Capacity Method (A31)

Defines how the system determines the size/capacity of a location. See Location Types (A28) and Suggest Location Placement (A27).


Local Currency Code (A55)

Defines the base currency code used for conversions.


Inventory Sharing (A69)

Indicates if a company will fulfill orders from another company's inventory.



Split SKU Values (B32):

Defines presentation of SKU fields.

Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54)

Defines column heading for SKU element 1.


Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54)

Defines column heading for SKU element 2.


Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54)

Defines column heading for SKU element 3.


OE/OM Mapping (A42, A43, A44)

Defines the order in which each SKU element will appear in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.


Current OE/OM SKU Mapping Sequence (A14, A15, A16)

Displays the sequence in which a SKU must be entered for an item in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.


SKU Element Description 1 (G37)

Defines the long description to appear for SKU element 1.


SKU Element Description 2 (G38)

Defines the long description to appear for SKU element 2.


SKU Element Description 3 (G39)

Defines the long description to appear for SKU element 3.


SKU Element Defining Color (H21)

Defines which SKU element defines color when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems.


SKU Element Defining Size (H22)

Defines which SKU element defines size when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems.


SKU Element Defining Size 2 (H23)

Defines which SKU element defines size 2 when interfacing from CWSerenade to other systems.


Default Item Unit of Measure (B33)

Defines the unit of measure that will default when creating an item.


Default Primary Location (C05)

Indicates if the primary location for an item should default during Inventory Transactions.



Default Primary Location - Suspense Placement and PO Receipts (C08)

Indicates if the primary location for an item should default during PO Receipts or Suspense Placement.



Physical Inventory Values (C15):

Entry Method (A01)

Defines whether you will be using a ticket or worksheet entry format.


File Generation Output (A09)

Defines the form you use to record physical inventory counts. If using system generated worksheets or tickets, refer to Assign Batch Numbers (A07) and Batch Size (A08).


Upload Counts (A12)

Defines whether you will update inventory counts through data entry or using a store and forward device.



Number of Outstanding Physicals (A05)

Defines the number of physical inventories that can be pending at one time. See Cycle Counting (A06).


Number of Counts Required per Physical (A13)

Defines the number of times you must enter counts before processing an update.


Cycle Counting (A06)

Indicates if you will use cycle counting for physical inventory. See Number of Outstanding Physicals (A05).



Freeze Item During Physical (A10)

Indicates if any other activity against an item location is allowed during physical inventory.



Assign Batch Numbers (A07)

Indicates if the system assigns batch numbers based on the setting of the Batch Size (A08) and Batch Grouping (L64) system control values.



Batch Size (A08)

Defines the number of item locations or locations (based on the setting of the Batch Grouping (L64) system control value) to include in each physical inventory batch.


Batch Grouping (L64)

Defines whether Physical Inventory Generation uses location or item/location, along with batch size, to determine the number of batches in a physical inventory.


Print On Hand Quantity (A11)

Indicates if on-hand quantity for each item will print on physical inventory sheets or tickets.



Default Item in RF Physical (K67)

Defines whether the system defaults the item and SKU for a location when you scan the location barcode for an RF physical.



Units Variance (A20)

Defines the greatest number of units an item location count can vary from your on-hand quantity before being noted on the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report.


Cost Variance (A21)

Defines the greatest cost variance an item location count can show from your on-hand quantity before being noted on the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report.

Dollar Amount:

Percent Units Variance (A22)

Defines the greatest percentage an item location count can vary from your on-hand quantity before it is noted on the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report.


Percent Cost Variance (A23)

Defines the greatest cost percentage an item location count can vary from your on-hand quantity before it is noted on the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report.


Default Division for Inventory Transactions (C17)

Defines the division to be used when posting inventory transactions to the General Ledger interface.


Default Disposition Code (C18)

Defines the disposition code that will default when you create a return authorization.


Default SKU Generator Vendor Item (C61)

Indicates if the system should default the SKU into the Vendor/Item number field when generating SKUs and Vendor/ Item records.



Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12)

Defines the overhead percentage for fulfillment costs to be used in the calculation for profitability used on the Sales Profit Analysis Report.


Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12)

Indicates whether multiple primary locations are allowed for inventory items.


IS Report Net Projected Remaining Calculation Method (D34)

Defines how the Net projected remaining column of the Inventory Status and Projection Report is calculated.


Default Item Label Print Format (D36)

Not currently implemented.


Display Item Description (D45)

Defines whether item descriptions display on inventory transaction screens.



Auto Assign Item # (D46)

Indicates if the system will assign the item number during Item entry.



Default Soldout Control Code (D72)

Defines a soldout control code to default when you create items and SKUs.


Default Soldout Control Code for Item to Item Transactions (D94)

Defines a soldout control code to default when you sell out an item because of an item to item transfer.


RF LPN Label Print Program (E22)

Defines the percentage of the item/SKU cost to use when processing a warehouse replenishment through the outlet transfer process, if the outlet does not specify a cost.


Create Item Transaction History for Non-Inventory Items (E39)

Defines whether the system writes an issue (I) type transaction history record when non-inventory and drop ship items go through billing.



Work Order Values (E41):

Use Work Order Processing (E37)

Defines whether you use work order processing for finished good items.



First Location Type (E42)

Defines the type of location the system searches first to fill the component quantity needed on the finished good work order.


Second Location Type (E43)

Defines the type of location the system searches second to fill the component quantity needed on the finished good work order.


Third Location Type (E44)

Defines the type of location the system searches third to fill the component quantity needed on the finished good work order.


Sold Out Retention Method (E63)

Defines whether the system holds open the oldest (FIFO) or newest (LIFO) open order lines when you process auto soldouts if you elect to retain a quantity of the item from selling out.


Require Long SKU Division with Long SKU Department (E85)

Defines whether the Long SKU Division is a required field when creating or changing a Long SKU Department.



Require Item Class in Work with Items (F06)

Defines whether the Item class field is a required field on the Create Item and Change Item screens in Work with Item/SKUs.



Gift Wrap Default (F07)

Defines the default setting for the Gift wrap field when you create an item/offer or SKU/offer.



Create Location/Item Location/Item Warehouse from PI Upload (F09)

Defines whether you create new Location, Item Location, and Item Warehouse as a result of running the physical inventory count upload if these records do not already exist in your company.



SKU Purge Days (F11)

Defines the number of days to retain SKUs that are not on any existing order.


Require Sort Sequence Number in the SKU File (F23)

Defines whether the Sort sequence number field on the Create SKU and Change SKU screens in Work with Item/SKUs is a required field.



Auto Assign Sort Sequence Number During SKU Generation (F24)

Defines whether the system automatically assigns a SKU sort sequence number to each SKU created in the SKU Generator.



SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (F39)

Defines the SKU element to use for automatic linking when creating item coordinates.


Default Company for RF Returns (F45)

Defines whether the company code defaults at the RF return pull and put screens.



Warehouse Replenishment Label Program (F57)

Defines the shared folder where the system copies CamData Retail Point of Sale download files.

System Name:

Warehouse Replenishment Label Program (F57)

Defines the program name the system uses to print warehouse replenishment labels.

System Name:

Display Frozen Primary Location Warning Message in Returns (F58)

Defines whether the system displays a warning message pop-up window when you perform a return against an item whose "primary primary" location is frozen due to a physical inventory.



Auto-Generate Item Keywords from Description (F79)

Defines whether the system automatically generates item keywords from the item's description when you create an item.



Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86)

Defines whether the system validates the item's location class against the location's location class during inventory transaction processing.



Retail Store Values (G00):

Use Retail Store File (G15)

Defines whether the system advances you to the Store screens when you are working with a warehouse that represents a retail store in Work with Warehouses.



Store Promotion Pricing Lead Days (G16)

Defines the lead days the system uses to determine the store promotion pricing start date.


Store Promotion Pricing End Days (G17)

Defines the end days the system uses to determine the store promotion pricing end date.


Store Promotion Minimum/Maximum Lead Days (G18)

Defines the lead days the system uses to determine the store promotion minimum/maximum override start date.


Store Promotion Minimum/Maximum End Days (G19)

Defines the end days the system uses to determine the store promotion minimum/maximum override end date.


Exclude Restock Orders from Posting Shipped Units (G20)

This value is not currently implemented.



Default Cancel Reason Code for Store Restock Orders (G21)

Defines the cancel reason code the system defaults to an order detail line that is automatically canceled on a restock order.


Location Class for Loose Pick Store Restock (G22)

Defines the location class the system uses to determine which items are eligible for the loose pick store restock process.


Default Order Type for Store Restock Orders (G23)

Defines the order type the system defaults to store restock orders.


Default Item Status for Exclusion on Store Restock Orders (G24)

Defines the item status the system uses to determine which items are excluded from being included on a store restock order.


Maximum Number of Lines to Include on Store Restock Order (I51)

Defines the number of order detail lines the system includes on a store restock order before creating a new order.


Fulfill Restock Orders from Bulk Only (J85)

Defines whether the system fulfills store restock orders from bulk locations only.



Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06)

Defines whether a primary location will default for an item in the warehouse specified for an inventory/receipt transaction.



Warehouse Replenishment Pick Worksheet Print Program (G25)

Defines the program to print the Replenishment Pick Worksheet for warehouse replenishment.

System Name:

Default Primary Warehouse in RF (G32)

Defines whether the item's primary warehouse defaults on RF screens.



Item Number Cross Reference Program (G40)

Defines the program name the system uses to translate CWSerenade item and SKU codes to another system's item and SKU codes.

System Name:

Require Entity in Item File (G44)

Defines whether the Entity field on the Create Item and Change Item screens in Work with Items is a required field.



Display "No Primary Location" Message in Returns (G46)

Defines whether the system displays a warning message pop-up window when you perform a return against an item which has no primary location.



Pending Putaway Due Date Days (G92)

Defines the number of days to add to the transaction date when calculating a pending putaway due date for inventory that is not associated with a purchase order.


Use Retail Integration (H26)

Defines whether you can use Retail Integration (external system to CWSerenade).



Inventory Transaction Code for ’Sync’ Processing (I85)

Defines the inventory transaction code that signals a sync transaction when received through the generic inventory transaction upload.


Default SKU Generator L/S Style (J04)

Defines whether the SKU generator automatically creates a Long SKU style for each SKU created.


Default Active Offers (J07)

Defines whether the system defaults the most recent active offers for the specified item to the selection screen in Update SKU Offers (MUSO) and Update SKU Offer Prices (MUSK).


Item Creation Values (J08)

Defines which screens automatically display when you are Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Create SKU with Overrides screen when you create an item.



Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Vendor Item Create screen when you create an item or SKU.



Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Work with Keywords for Item screen when you create an item.



Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the SKU Generator screen when you create a SKU’ed item.



Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05)

Defines whether the system automatically advances to the Item Offer screen when you create an item.



Automatically Create SKU Offers (J71)

Defines whether the SKU generator automatically creates SKU Offers and single-unit SKU Price records.



RF Labels (K01)

Defines the print programs and printers used to print labels during radio frequency processing.

RF LPN Label Print Program (E22)

Defines the program for printing bar-coded license plate number labels if you use radio frequency devices in your warehouse.

System Name:

RF LPN Printer ID (J95)

Defines the printer used to print LPN labels.

System Name:

RF Bin Location Label Print Program (E23)

Defines the program for printing bar-coded location labels if you use radio frequency devices in your warehouse.

System Name:

RF Bin Location Printer ID (J96)

Defines the printer used to print bin labels.

System Name:

RF Item Label Print Program (E24)

Defines the program for printing bar-coded item/SKU labels if you use radio frequency devices in your warehouse.

System Name:

RF Item Printer ID (J97)

Defines the printer used to print item labels.

System Name:

RF Return Label Print Program (E25)

Defines the program for printing bar-coded item labels for customer returns if you use radio frequency devices in your warehouse.

System Name:

RF Return Printer ID (J98)

Defines the printer used to print return labels.

System Name:

RF Carton Label Print Program (E27)

Defines the program for printing carton labels if you dock purchase orders prior to processing them with the Purchase Order Receiving function.

System Name:

RF Carton Printer ID (J99)

Defines the printer used to print carton labels.

System Name:

RF Item Number Label Type (E28)

Defines the type of item/SKU format to use on LPN labels if you use radio frequency devices in your warehouse.


Default Scan Type for RF Receiving and PI (K68)

Defines the type of barcode that is available to scan on certain RF screens.


Default Quantity in RF Receiving (K71)

Defines the quantity to default to RF PO Receipt Detail screen.


Default Pending Putaway in RF Receiving (K72)

Defines whether the system defaults the pending putaway location to the RF PO Receipt Detail screen.



Default Primary in RF Item Transfer Put Screen (K88)

Defines whether the system defaults the item’s primary primary location to the Item Put Stock Screen in RF Item Transfer.



Populate Physical Inventory Audit Table (L19)

Defines whether to save a copy of the physical inventory information in the Physical Inventory Audit table when you process the update.



Item Status for Suppressing Item During Item Selection (L21)

Defines the item status code that prevents the Item Selection screen from listing the item.


Default Quantity in RF Mass Transfer (L31)

Defines the quantity to default to RF Mass Transfer screen.


Suppress Labels for RF LPN Transfers (L57)

Defines whether the system suppresses the printing of a new RF LPN label when you process an RF LPN Transfer Pull transaction and partially pull the LPN quantity.



Addl Pick Label Printer ID (L66)

Defines the ID of the Zebra printer you use to print additional pick control labels.

System name:

Item Classification for Slotting Groups (L82)

Defines whether you use item category or item class to set up slotting groups.


Default UPC Type for Slotting New Items (L84)

Defines the UPC type the system uses when creating a UPC code during item slotting.


Default UPC Vendor for Slotting New Items (L85)

Defines the vendor code the system uses when creating a UPC code during item slotting.


Default Scan Method for Item Returns (L80)

Defines the type of item barcode to scan in Work with Return By Item (WRBI).


Default Scan Return Reason Code (L81)

Defines the return reason code to default in Work with Return By Item (WRBI).


Format for Order Barcode for Item Returns (L87)

Defines the type of order barcode to scan in Work with Return By Item (WRBI).


IN03_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015