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Oracle® Fabric OS 1.0.2 Administration Guide

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Updated: November 2016

Manage SM Group Information

Use the GUI to create, configure, and view a configured IB SM group. You can also use the CLI to view a configured SM group.

  1. Log in to the GUI.

    See Log In to Oracle Fabric Manager (GUI).

  2. In the GUI, create an SM group that will contain the switches where OpenSM will run.

    Refer to Create an SM Group in Oracle Fabric Manager 5.0.2 Administration Guide.

  3. In the GUI, configure the SM properties, including prefix and priority as well as group members and key sets.

    By default, the SM is disabled. Refer to Managing SM Group Details in Oracle Fabric Manager 5.0.2 Administration Guide.

  4. In the GUI or the CLI, verify the configured properties.
    1. Verify the general properties.
      [OFOS] show ib sm
      subnet-name                    leaf_01
      subnet-id                      10e08b53a80005
      subnet-prefix-id               0
      chassis-id                     10e08b53a80005
      state                          up/master
      priority                       10 
      handover-enabled               true
      log-level                      3
      subnet-lid-range-start         0
      subnet-lid-range-end           bfff 
      router-lid-range-start         0
      routing-engine                 ftree
    2. Verify the SM group named ABC.
      [OFOS] show ib sm-group ABC
    3. Verify the group members.
      [OFOS] show ib sm-group group-name group-member
      chassis-name     chassis-ipaddr           chassis-guid
      delaware         x.x.x.x                  0x2c9020023f4c1
    4. Verify the key sets.
      [OFOS] show ib sm-keyset
      sm-key      trusted-key     untrusted-key       isActive
      333         3331234         333abcd             true
      777         7771234         777abcd             false
    5. Verify the SM partition.
      [OFOS] show ib partition
      name      pkey      type       oper-pkey     isIPoIB     useGRH      adminPartition
      JJJ       777       subnet     8777          true        false       false 
    6. Verify the ports on the SM partition named JJJ.
      [OFOS] show ib partition JJJ ports
      port-guid             pkey     oper-pkey     membership    subnet-prefix
      0x2c9020023f4c1       777      8777          limit         1234314
      0x2c9020023f4c2       777      8777          full          4323333
    7. Verify the groups on the SM partition named JJJ.
      [OFOS] show ib partition JJJ groups
      type      membership     oper-pkey
      all       both           8777
      self      limit          8777
  5. (Optional) Determine how you will configure Ethernet connectivity.

    See Configuring Ethernet Connectivity.

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