Advertise parameters

The following program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for the advertising parameters can be updated in this program, i.e. new texts programmed, existing ones modified or cancelled. Data stored can also be displayed for information purposes.

The advertising parameter and the link to a terminal are used to define any text which you require to run through the customer display. This text can contain information on an advertising campaign or can be used to inform the customer about other special offers. The FGL programs can also be used to send special information such as date, time to the customer display. The information is shown automatically after the operator has signed off at the terminal or after a defined waiting period after a receipt has been finalised if the terminal is programmed for itemisation mode. The text stops immediately after the first article of a new receipt has been recorded.

If a Media customer display is set up instead of a customer display, the advertising parameters must be set to define the time for display of the receipt window. Only the entry in field "Time out [s]" for the media customer display will be evaluated. The advertising texts for this case are stored in program System -> User interface -> Playlist -> Text position.

Remarks on data fields

All options available for the update of this basic data are described below.

The following also applies to this program:


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company for which advertising parameter is to be processed.

Changes or clear operations are completed after entering the data record no. in the key fields. The operator can also search for the data record with Search.


Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 99999

This field is provided for entry of the store no. for which the advertising parameters are to be processed.

Changes or clear operations are completed after entering the data record no. in the key fields. The operator can also search for the data record with the Search.

Advertise parameter

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 9999

This field is provided for entry of the number of the advertising parameter which is to be processed or for entry of a free number if a new data record is to be programmed.

Changes or clear operations are completed after entering the data record no. in the key fields. The operator can also search for the data record with the Search function.


Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

Enter a description for this advertising parameter.

Time out [s]

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 – 9999 seconds

Enter the number of seconds the system should wait before the advertising text appears in the customer display.

The time set here only applies when the terminal is programmed for itemisation and if an advertising text is to be shown after finalisation of a receipt and before itemisation of a new receipt begins.

Advertising texts also appear on the terminal immediately after sign-off of the operator.

If a media customer display is configured, only the entry in this field will be evaluated to define the time the receipt window is displayed. The advertising text which is shown in the media customer displayer as a running band must in such a case be stored in program System -> User interface -> Playlist -> Text position.

Clock [ms]

Entry range permitted: decimal, max. 20 pos. with max. 2 decimal places

Enter a value in milliseconds in this field to define the speed the text runs through the display.

Text group

Entry range permitted: numeric, 1 - 1 65535

Enter the text group no. in which the advertising texts for the customer display are stored.

The search function can be used to find the appropriate data record.

The texts for the various advertising texts are updated with program Text groups. The text group for advertising texts must be linked to Advertise texts (text group 4200 to 4299).

FGL name

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

Enter the name of a valid FGL program in this field.

The FGL program supports both advertising texts and special information on the customer display. The FGL programs can include functions which control both lines of a customer display. The name of the function is "LineX", X = the number of the line in the customer display. The function starts up after the Time out defined has elapsed. The advertising text defined in the text group will then be suppressed.

In the example below the date and time are to be shown in the second line of the customer display:

FUNCTION Line2 columns
LET anzDate = 11
LET anzTime = 8
LET space = ''
FOR i = 1 TO (columns - anzDate - anzTime)
LET space = space + ' '
LET date = NEW 'FglDate'
LET time = NEW 'FglTime'
CALL date.setToday
CALL time.setNow
PRINT date , space, time


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin
Anker Systems GmbH
Am Stadtholz 39
33609 Bielefeld