Epson 950 printer

The program description deals with the following:

Remarks on program function

The data for the Epson 950 printer can be updated, i.e. programmed, changed or cleared with this program. Data which has already been stored can also be displayed for information.

An Epson 950 printer can be programmed, the interface and link to a processing unit defined and the device-specific operating type can be set with this program.

Remarks on data fields

The following description deals with all available options for update of this basic data.

As with nearly all other programs the following also applies here:

No. of drawers

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the offered options by clicking onto the field and with a second click choosing the operating mode required for the printer.

The system offers the following options:

Usage printer

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the options offered by clicking onto this field and with a second click choosing what is required.

The system offers the following:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select the debug level by clicking onto this field and with a second click choosing the option required.

The system offers the following debug levels:

Only select a value higher than "0" for the debug level if a protocol for communication of the printer is required for error analysis.

Cut off

Default 11

Enter the number of lines the receipt is to advance after the last print line and before it is cut off.


Default 32

Enter the number of characters to be printed per line by this printer.

Column slip

Default 72

Enter the number of lines which are to be printed on the slip.


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the baud rates offered by clicking onto this field and with a second click choosing the option required.

The system offers the following:


Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the parity settings offered by clicking onto this field and with a second click choosing the option required.

The system offers the following parity settings:

Code Page

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the code page settings offered by clicking onto this field and with a second click choosing the code page required.


Default 255

Enter a value in this field, to determine the code page index.


Default 100

Enter a value in milliseconds to define how long the release magnet of the connected drawer is to remain active.

Poll timeout

Default 2000

Enter a value in milliseconds to define at which intervals the status of the printer is to be called up. An error message should be sent if the response is negative.

Request timeout

Default 3000

Enter a value in milliseconds to define at which intervals the printer has to answer after a status call up. The error message Printer offline is sent if the response is negative.

Usage drawer

Entry range permitted: numeric 0 - 9

Enter a drawer no. in this field if one drawer is connected to this printer and if the drawer is to open as per the definition under Operator and Payment type. If two drawers are connected to this printer, the second drawer is given the value +1 under Operator and in the appropriate Parameter of the payment type.


Switch active: This printer supports stamp print
Switch deactivated: No stamp print activated

Invert logo

Switch active: Inverted logo print
Switch deactivated: No inverted logo print

Fast logo

Switch active: The logo is printed from the flash RAM of the printer
Switch deactivated: The logo is not printed from the flash RAM of the printer

Varying logo data can be loaded into the flash RAM of the printer with the appropriate software of the printer manufacturer.

Euro codepage

Switch active: The code page for the Euro character set is active
Switch deactivated: The code page for the Euro character set is deactivated

BMP file

Path and name of BMP file for logo print

A logo can be printed on the receipt instead of the normal receipt heading lines. If logo print is required, the name of the BMP file and the path in relation to the current work directory (e.g. work directory = work.10, BMP file in directory xpm; entry = ../xpm/BMP file name) should be entered.

Please note the following information on BMP files:

A BMP file is created with the appropriate program (e.g. "PAINT" for Windows). A colour depth of 1 bit (=2 colours) should be selected.

The size and the ratio of the X/Y solution in Pixel is dependent on the printer on which the logo is to be printed.

The following values apply:


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin