
The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program, you can maintain the macros for the workflow, i.e. create new data records, modify or delete existing data. You can also view already stored data for information purposes.

First you have to define the macro type by defining the trigger type and the trigger frame, then you have to assign the actions to this macro by clicking on the button Macro Actions and opening the update program of the same name.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:

Macro name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the name of the macro. Give it a name that makes the function of the macro obvious.

Trigger type

Field with firmly defined selection options

Select one of the trigger types provided to define when and in which way the macro is to be executed. The selection can be made by clicking in the field and selecting the required type by another mouse click.

The system offers the following trigger types for selection:

Trigger frame

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the internal name of this window with which the macro is to be carried out. If you do not know the name, you can select the data record via the Search Function.

Trigger field

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the internal name of this field with which the macro is to be carried out. If you do not know the name, you can select the data record via the Search Function.


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Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin