Get statistics

Statistics are picked up from the linked sub-installations after depression of button Get statistics in update program Installation.

Getting statistics from the linked sub-installations assumes that the system units are accessible via the TCP/IP network and there is a connection between the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database server and the sub-installation.

After communications have been established, the end of day date of each branch (Branch state) is checked by the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database server of the main installation and the directly linked sub-installation. If a difference is found, the statistics and status data for each branch will be transferred (see Function: Get statistic in detail).

If data transfer is interrupted, the operation will be continued the next time.


The Branch state is important for this function. Each branch keeps the branch status in its own database and the head office keeps the branch status in the server database for all branches. When the function Get statistics is called up in program Installation, all statistics data is obtained from the branches and is stored in the central server database. All data which is younger than the current date set in the branch status is transferred.


When function Get statistics is called up, all statistics data excluding the data for the 02.05.2003 is sent from branch 30 to head office. After successful transfer the branch status in the head office is set to date 02.05.2003 for branch 30. When the function Get statistics is called up again, no further statistics data will be sent from the branch to head office until the branch status has been changed in branch 30.

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Function Get statistics in detail

The following conditions apply if data is transferred from the sub-installations (branches) to the main installation (head office) with function Get statistics (= get Statistic).

Changes in the database structure:
The database table "StockItLog" and all associated sub-tables are linked to category "status" and have a date field which does not, however, belong to domain "lastUpdate". This data will not be transferred to the main installation. A change of this setting, e.g. the link of the date field to the domain "lastUpdate" does not affect the pick up of the statistics data.
Changes in the database structure are normally only permitted after prior discussions with the development team at MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH

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MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin