Touch layout

This documentation describes how a touch layout is drawn up or changed for the terminal program to allow this to be customized for the cashier operation.


Normally, a touch layout is dependent on the terminal program in use. Linkage of a touch layout to the appropriate program is described in the documentation Terminal program / Touch layout.


The procedure for configuration of a screen-based POS terminal is as follows:

1.The POS program is activated by entering the internal name of the program in field  Program name of the linked Process unit of the terminal and linking the appropriate layout in program Terminal.

2. The internal name of the terminal program can be found in program System -> User interface -> Application -> ECR application.

3. In program Terminal a specific touch layout should be linked in field Touch layout as per the Terminal program in use.

Customization of a touch layout

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application provides default touch layouts for the various terminal programs and these are stored in the database. In practical applications new touch layouts are changed on the basis of existing touch layouts and are stored under a new number in the system.

The following touch layouts are provided in the standard version:


Layout name


Standard layout


Fast Food layout


Big layout


PocketPC layout


PocketPC layout_H


Big layoutXA






Standard layout_30


Standard Layout_30L


Std layout_30XA


Std Layout_30LXA


Std layout_30XB


Std Layout_30LXB


Standard layout_30H


Standard Layout_30LH


Std layout_30HXA


Std Layout_30LHXA


Std layout_30HXB


Std Layout_30LHXB


Please note that only certain touch layouts can be linked to Terminal programs. Store a customized touch layout under a number higher than 50 in the database before making any changes. The linkage of a touch layout to the appropriate terminal program can be found in the documentation Terminal program / Touch layout.


In the following example touch layout no. 21 "Standard Layout_30LH" is changed as follows for program "Terminal T2_30LblueH".


  1. Copy touch layout no. 21 into the new touch layout no. 50.
    This is necessary to ensure that no changes will be made to standard layout no. 21 from a release change or after command "oscar dofgl.fgl".
  2. Open program System -> User interface -> Touch layout and select touch layout no. 21 (standard layout_30LH).
  3. Enter a new number (over 50) and assign a name to the new touch layout in field Descriptor.
  4. Then execute command "Copy object tree" in menu "Process". The complete touch layout no. 21, including all pages and keys is then copied into the new touch layout and can then be customized under the new number.

Changing/adding touch pages

After an existing touch layout has been stored with function "Copy object tree" under a new number in the system, changes can then be made.


Adjustments of the screen sector can be done for the function key section only, i.e. the number of pages and their keys and functions can be changed.


The following update programs are available for the touch pages:

Layout type


Non POS 30

All touch layouts without coding "_30", "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30

All touch layouts with coding "_30" and "_30H" and _30FH". (30L = 35 keys, 30F = 54 keys)

POS 30 large

All touch layouts with coding "_30L" and "_30LH".

POS 30 Pocket

All touch layouts with coding "PocketPC".

POS 40 large

All touch layouts with coding " Layout_40". (= Resolution 1024 und 1152).
The layout for this touch screen POS can be configured via button "" with additional parameters.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin