Software Update

The following program description deals with:

Description of the Program Function

Normally, the complete software update is determined by the rules file "Rules". Each software update contains a file with the name "Rules" in the ZIP archive. The appropriate values for the running of a software update are defined in this file. The identical "Rules" file must be available in both archives for software updates in a mixture of systems (Windows and Linux).

A software update can be completed in three different ways:

·        Complete update (completeupdate = 1)
In this version it is assumed that the complete files for an operable MICROS Retail OSCAR POS system are in the archive of the software update.
After start of the software update the archive is unpacked in a temporary directory and the directory "work.srv" is then copied from the original MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory to the temporary directory. In addition the original file "oscar.ini" is copied into directory "bin" of the temporary directory. At the end of this operation, the directory names are exchanged so that the original directory is given the name of the temporary directory and the name of the temporary directory is given the original name

·        Partial update (completeupdate = 0)
In this version it is assumed that not all files are in the archive of the software update, but the relevant files such as *.lib *.dll *.exe etc., are available for an operable MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. After start of the software update a complete replica of the original MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory is copied into the temporary directory. The archive of the software update is then unpacked in the temporary directory. The original file "oscar.ini" is also copied into the directory "bin" of the temporary directory.

·        Small update (completeupdate = 0 und Smallupdate = 1)
In this version it is assumed that the archive of the software update only contains uncritical files such as *.fgl. *.fsm, *.asc, *.bmp. After start of the software update the archive is unpacked in the original directory of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. No copy and no temporary directory is generated for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program.

A file named "oscar.ini.chg" or "oscar.def.chg" can be handed over to change the file "oscar.ini" for Windows or the file "oscar.def" for Linux in directory./bin. The environment variables to be set are marked at the beginning of a line with "S:" and the environment variables to be deleted are marked with "R:".


·        Oscar.ini.chg

·        Oscar.def.chg

In update program System -> Configuration -> Update Status the user can carry out an automatic software update for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program. A software update can only be carried out for an installation and the related terminal clients. If the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS installation comprises a multi-branch installation (main and sub-installations) a separate software update will have to be executed for each installation.

If a software update is to be carried out for a multi-installation, each installation is subjected to the software update. The status data for a software update for all connected sub-installations can be transferred to the main installation (head office) with button Get update status in program Installation.

General Notes on the Software Update

A software update is delivered in the form of a ZIP archive of the name "oscupdnnn" whereas "nnn" can be used as an additional description. The name extension for the archive file is ".zip" for Windows and ".tgz" for Linux (compressed tar file). This file has to be copied to the directory "..\work" of the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS server process is running. In addition to the files of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program update, the ZIP archive also contains the file "Rules" which defines the sequence of the software update.

The software update is to be started via the button "Start Update " in the update program Update State or by embedding the FGL file "LstUpdateState.fgl" in a report chain which is then to be started by use of a scheduler. The execution of the software update takes place exclusively on the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server is operated. In addition, you have to make sure that the existing terminal clients are online and no operator has signed on.

On Windows processors no other programs should be started from the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory. The administration terminal must be started as the automatic login client. The DOS entry request should not be found in the current directory in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory tree. The Daemon clients should be cleared from the server database for configured MICROS Retail OSCAR POS clients which are not to be updated.

After the software update has been started, all necessary program steps will be executed and recorded automatically. The state of the program steps can be viewed during the installation of the software update in the update program Update State. Detailed information on the software update procedure can also be viewed in the update programs Sys. Units Update State and Update Log. In addition, a protocol of the whole software update can be printed out.


If errors occur during the software update, they will be recorded and might lead to a complete cancellation of the entire update process. Depending on the software update's state of progress in such cases, a so-ca<lled "roll-back" will be carried out to restore the condition of the installation as it has been before the start of the update for the purpose of being able to keep on working properly. By use of the recorded status, system and error messages in the programs Update State, Sys. Units Update States and Update Log, the reason for the cancellation can be determined before the update is started once again.

Start and Procedure of the Software Update

In the following description, the start and procedure of a faultless software update will be described. In addition, you will find notes on possible error messages and their meaning. The program steps described in the following are only for your information and will be carried out automatically.

On Windows processors no other programs should be started from the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory. The administration terminal must be started as the automatic login client. The DOS entry request should not be found in the current directory in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory tree. The Daemon clients should be cleared from the server database for configured MICROS Retail OSCAR POS clients which are not to be updated.

  1. Start the software update by clicking on the button Start Update in the update program System -> Configuration -> Update State.
    Alternatively, you can embed the FGL file "LstUpdateState.fgl" in a report chain which is then to be started by use of the scheduler.
  2. After the start of the software update, the update state will be examined in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database. If there is no cancelled update that could be continued, the program checks for a ZIP archive called "" (nnn = additional description) in the directory ..\work.
  3. If the software update is being carried out for the first time, the program creates the directory ..\work\update.
  4. In the directory ..\work\update, the software updates "" that have been found in the directory ..\work will be moved and stored as ZIP archives called "" (nnn = seq. number).
  5. Then, the ZIP archive will be unpacked, and the file "Rules" is searched for. If this file is found, the software update is started according to the instructions stored in the "Rules" file.
    Go to "Rules" File for the Implementation of the Software update to read the description of the "Rules" file at the end of this documentation.
  6. The program determines and analyses all the necessary system information of the current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation for all configured system units in order to continue the software update according to the entries in the "Rules" file.
  7. For example, the program makes sure that there are no open transactions, that no operators are signed on at the terminal clients and that there is enough memory space on the hard disk drives of all system units. If these checks are positive, all found clients of the installation will be shut down.Only the administration terminal (Login Client) on which the software update has been started will remain in operation.
  8. After the shutdown of all terminal clients, the file "" is copied to all configured system units of the current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation ( -> directory ..\work\).
  9. On the system unit of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server, a new installation directory will be created parallel to the main directory of the old installation (e.g. current directory: "D:/osc_usr/osc21" / new directory: "D:\osc_usr\OscUpd10").
  10. To the new directory, the complete directory ..\work.srv of the old installation will be copied.
  11. In the new MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory, the directory..\work will be created (e.g. D:\osc_usr\OscUpd10\work).
  12. In the new MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory, the ZIP archive "UPDnnn" will be pasted and unpacked.
  13. To the new directory ..\work, the necessary scripts for the software update will be copied (z.B. Switch.cmd, Rollback.cmd etc.).
  14. After the software update has been completed, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server will be started automatically.
  15. After the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server has been started, all configured clients on the connected system units will be updated and re-started automatically.
  16. Only after all system units of this installation have been updated, the software update is complete.
  17. After the successful software update, the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application will run on all system units in the new diectory (e.g. OscUpdnn). The original ZIP archive with which the software update has been implemented will be stored in the root directory of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application with the name "Updnn". If the entire software update has to be repeated for any reason, this ZIP archive can be used for the repetition after being renamed in "".

If errors occur during the software update, they will be recorded in the programs Update State, Sys. Units Update State and Update Log. Errors can lead to the cancellation of the software update and – in particular cases – the complete restoration of the old MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation ("Roll-back"). When a "Roll-back" is carried out, the old installation's ability to work is definitely guaranteed.

"Rules" File for the Implementation of the Software Update

Every software update includes i a file called "Rules" in its ZIP archive. In this file, the software update process is defined by the related values.

A "Rules" file can be added to an existing zip archive with the following command:
zip -u Rules

The following values can be included in the "Rules" file:

·         SmallUpdate (Default = 0)
With this software update (switch "Complete update" =deactivated and switch "No rollback" =active) no backup of the current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory will be generated. Therefore, there cannot be a rollback of the software update. This software update variation should only be used for uncritical files (*.fgl; *.fsm; *.asc; *.bmp).

The following values will be entered automatically.:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin