Update State

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older..

A software update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application can be carried out with this program and/or the status and the results messages from a software update can be viewed in the system messages.

You can start the software update by use of the button "Update Start" or by embedding the FGL file "LstUpdateState.fgl" in a report chain and embedding its start by use of a scheduler. The software update is exclusively carried out on the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server is active. In addition, you have to make sure that the present terminal clients are online and that no operator is signed-on.

A software update requires the existence of a zip archive called "oscupd*.*" in the directory "..\work" of the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server process is running.
If you would like to carry out a software update for a multi-installation, a separate software update has to be carried out for each installation. The status data for a software update of all connected sub-installations can be transferred to the main installation (central) by use of the button Get Update State in the update program Installation.

 Click on the image to find further help on how to carry out a Software Update.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these Basic Data.

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99999

Displays the number of the installation for which the software update has been carried out.

Update No.

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Displays the number of the software update. When the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS software update is started, the update number is automatically assigned by the system.

Created on:

Permitted input range: DDMMYYYY (day, month, year)

Date on which the software update was started.

Created at:

Permitted input range: HHMMSS (hour, minute, second)

Time at which the software update was started.

Activation on:

Permitted input range: DDMMYYYY (day, month, year)

Date on which the software update was activated.

The start and activation dates can differ from each other since the activation date is ruled by the variable "date" in the file "rules" in the directory "..\work\update". If the activation date is older than the value for the variable "date" in the file "rules", the software update is carried out immediately after the button "Update Start" has been clicked on.

Activation at:

Permitted input range: HHMMSS (hour, minute, second)

Time at which the software update was activated.

The start and activation times can differ from each other since the activation time is ruled by the variable "time" in the file "rules" in the directory "..\work\update". If the activation time is older than the value for the variable "time" in the file "rules", the software update is carried out immediately after the button "Update Start" has been clicked on.

Update State

Field with firmly defined selection options

Displays the current state of the software update.

The following status messages can be displayed in this field:


Update Errors

Field with firmly defined selection options

Displays possible error messages that occurred during the software update.

The following update error messages can be displayed in this field:

Required hard disk space

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 – 99999999999 (in megabyte)

The free hard disk space required for the software update is entered in this field. If the default "0" is to remain unchanged, it can be assumed that 1,5 times the currently occupied memory space will be required for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation for the software update.

Timeout to Error

Default value  = 300 ms

Time in milliseconds that is to be waited until a message appears in case of an error.

% tol. Errors  

Permitted input range: numeric, 0 -100

You can enter a percent value in this field to define the error quantity to be tolerated before the software update is cancelled.

If you have installed a large number of terminal clients within an installation, it might make sense to enter a percent value here, e.g. to make sure that at least 15 of 30 terminal clients receive an error-free software update without a cancellation of the whole update process. In this case, the value 50 has to be entered here.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.

A software update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application can be carried out with this program and/or the status and the results messages from a software update can be viewed in the system messages.

Update Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the name of the software update in this field.

Original Windows Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the original file name of the ZIP archive (e.g. oscupdMICROS Retail OSCAR POS41T6.zip). Every software update must begin with the character sequence "oscupd".

Original Linux Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The original file name of the TAR archive (*.tgz) is entered in this field. Every software update must begin with the character sequence "oscupd".

New Windows Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter the new name of the software update (e.g. upd3.zip) after it has been renamed and copied to the directory ..\work\update\ by the system.

New Linux Name

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The new name of the software update (e.g. upd3.tgz) is entered in this field after it has been re-named by the system and copied into directory .\work\update\.


MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Directory

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

In this field, the name of the old directory in which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program was installed before the software update (e.g. MICROS Retail OSCAR POS41_T5) is stored.

Backup Directory

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The name of the new backup directory which has been created during the software update is stored in this fields. This directory name is generated automatically by the system.

The name of the backup directory is defined from an entry in the file "Rules" (NewDirName=Test).

New MICROS Retail OSCAR POS Directory

Entry range permitted: alphanumeric, max. 20 pos.

The name of the new directory for update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version which was created during the softwae update is stored in this field. The directory name is generated automatically by the system if not otherwise defined in the file "Rules" (e.g. NewDirName=MICROS Retail OSCAR POS41_T6).

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older..

A software update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application can be carried out with this program and/or the status and the results messages from a software update can be viewed in the system messages.

Ext. Server Program

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The name of an external program (script) is entered in this field if this is necessary for a software update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server. In this case, the name of this program should be entered in file "rules" for the appropriate software update.

The external scripts should be entered in this field and in the "Rules" file without a name extension. During running the script name will be extended with ".cmd" for Windows and ".sh" for Linux.

Ext. Client Program

Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

The name of an external program (script) can be entered in this field if this is required for a software update of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS client. In this case, the name of this program is entered in file "rules" for the appropriate software update.

The external scripts must be entered in this field and in the "Rules" file without a name extension. During running the script name is extended by ".cmd" for Windows and ".sh" for Linux

ASU Version 2

Button activated:  The software update carried out is for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 and later versions.
Button deactivated: The software update carried out is an update for older version than MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update is executed on the basis of different criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically on the basis of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update was started.

 Click on the graphic for further help on executing "Automatic Software Update Version 2 (ASU 2)".

Complete Update

Activated: The executed software update is a complete update.
Deactivated: The executed software update is not a complete update.

There are three options for sofware update:

·        Complete Update
With this software update (button "Complete Update" = active and button "Without rollback" =deactivated) it is assumed that the archive file (oscupdnnn.zip) contains all files required for an MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS installation. A complete new directory tree will be created with this archive file and at the end of the software update it will contain the original directory names to ensure that existing desktop links and system settings still function.

·        Part Update
With this update (button "Complete Update" = deactivated and button "Without rollback" =deactivated) the archive file only contains new files. Initially, a backup of the current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory is generated and the archive file is then unpacked into it. At the end of the software update, the backup directory is re-named in the original directory name so that existing desktop links and system settings still function.

·        Small Update
With this software update (button "Complete Update" =deactivated and button "Without rollback" =active) a backup of the current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory is generated. A rollback of the software update is thus possible. This version of software update should only be used for uncritical files (*.fgl; *.fsm; *.asc; *.bmp).

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older..


No Rollback

Button active: A rollback of the software update was carried out.
Button deactivated: A rollback of the software update was not carried out.

A software update without rollback is defined by an entry in file "Rules" (SmallUpd=1).

When a software update (ASU 2) as from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 is carried out no rollback will be executed, no matter whether a complete update or a part update (SmallUpd=1) has been implemented.

 Click on the graphic for further help with the "Automatic Software Update Version 2 (ASU 2)".

Client Update

Button active:.The software update is done for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS clients also.
Button deactivated: The software update is not done for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS clients.

Execution of the software update for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS clients is defined by an entry in file "Rules" (ClntNeedUpd=1/0).

Convert Database

Activated: The server database has been converted.
Deactivated: The server database has Not been converted.

The execution of the database conversion is defined by an entry in the file "Rules".

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.


Create Index

Activated: The server database has been newly indicated.
Deactivated: The server database has not been newly indicated.

The indication of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database is defined by an entry in the file "Rules".

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.

Init DbText

Activated: An "init DbText" has been carried out.
Deactivated: No "initDbText" has been carried out.

The initialization of the file "DbText" is defined by an entry in the file "Rules".

Please ensure that a complete file ("DbText.asc") with the necessary languages exists in the archive for software update (oscupdnnnn.zip/tgz). No new file DbTex.asc will be generated during an automatic software update 2 (ASU 2). This has to be caried out with command "..\work\oscar addAscFiles" before the archive file is created.

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.

Init UiText

Activated: An "init UiText" has been carried out.
Deactivated: No "init UiText" has been carried out.

The initialization of the file "UiText" is defined by an entry in the file "Rules"..

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.

Start dofgl.fgl

Activated: A "dofgl.fgl" has been carried out.
Deactivated: No "dofgl.fgl" has been carried out.

The execution of the FGL script "dofgl.fgl" is defined by an entry in the file "Rules".

The software update is carried out in a particular sequence. Particular entries in the file "Rules" define which of these functions is to becarried out within the software update. Some entries are preset, particular default values are set automatically. Other entries can be modified to change the update procedure. The file "Rules" is included in every software update and is delivered with the valid values. Changes may only be made after asking the software department.

As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 automatic software update will be carried out on the basis of new criteria (ASU 2). This is done automatically using the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version under which the automatic software update is started.

As the functions of this program differ considerably in many points this documentation has been divided up as follows:

·        As from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41 "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) will be used.

·        Program "Software-Update" (ASU) will be used for MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions 40 and older.


Button activated: Automatic software update was not completed.
Button deactivated: Automatic software update was completed.


Activated: The software update has been confirmed successfully.
Deactivated: The software update has not been confirmed.

Please note the status messages for the system units in the update program "Sys.Units UpdateState" and the messages in the log files in the update program "Update Log". Both programs can be started by use of the buttons in the update program System -> Configuration -> Update State.

Client (s) with errors

Button activated:  Errors occurred during automatic software update of clients.
Button deactivated: No errors occurred during automatic software update of clients.

Program System units update status is reached with button "Syst. unit Upd. Status". Detailed information and status messages for all system units of the installation are shown here.


MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin