Screen Layout Configuration (Touch Screen)

The following general description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

The MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application is delivered with a standard layout. In addition, you can create individual layouts for the touch screen and assign them to the terminals. Please note that your layout designs will always refer to the right side of the screen. Key texts of the left side can be changed e.g. via System -> User Interface -> Form -> Form Fields (Field Type: e.g. Toggle Field; Descriptor).

The layout and the individual design for the alignment of the function keys on the right side of the touch screen can be modified by use of the following update programs.


When you start the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application and load the sales program, the standard layout of the standard sales program (= terminal application) is started if you have not made any changes. The standard sales program/ the standard sales screen is stored with the frame name Sales (window: System -> User Interface -> Applications: Appl. Name ECR Application). If you work with the standard layout, these descriptions do not mean anything to you since the key labels of an ECR application installed in Sales are derived from the window Item (Field: Key Text).

Things look different if you work with various different layouts and would like to design your touch layouts individually:

The standard layout is newly generated with the execution of the FGL script "oscar UiSales.fgl" and after every "oscar dofgl.fgl", i.e. with every release change, the standard layout is overwritten with the standard data. If you would like to make changes to the touch layout and preserve them, you have to create a new layout (or several new layouts) and save it with its own number. Only by this, the adjustments will be preserved.

The maintenance of a layout for the touch screen is to be carried out in the following steps:

  1. In order to make the layout adjustment easier for you, you will find another standard layout in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application which you can use as a "copy item".
  2. Go to System -> User Interface -> Touch Layout. Call the standard layout [of the terminal application SalesT2].
  3. Create a new layout by entering a new layout number (Field: Touch Layout) and confirm with <Enter>. Via the menu option Copy Tree you can take over the data  (touch pages and keys) of the standard layout in the newly created layout to adjust it (the copy process has the effect that the pages and keys of the standard layout are taken over in the new layout). A description of how to adjust the layout can be found in the Short Descriptions or in the programs Touch Layout, Touch Page, Touch Keys.
  4. Save the new layout with the new number you entered in the step above. Now you have created a new layout which is preserved even after a release change.
  5. In the next step you assign the new layout to the terminal (Window: Terminals, Layout No. input in the field Touch Layout). The terminal has to support devices of the type Touch Screen.
  6. After a new start of the terminal (Stop and start of the process unit), the assigned layout  will be displayed on the touch screen.

Programs for the Layout Design

The following programs are essentially involved in the layout design and have to be executed in the order mentioned above:

Touch Layout

The maintenance of a layout for the touch screen is to be carried out with the update program Touch Layout. A layout contains the touch pages incl. their assigned keys.

Every layout generally contains several pages with key descriptions.

Additional pages with the included standard keys can be generated and adjusted individually in the update program Touch Page.

The assignment of a touch layout is to be carried out in the update program Terminals.

Touch Page

The maintenance of the touch pages is to be carried out with the update program Touch Page.

A touch page includes the key layout for the keys displayed on the right side of the screen on the touch screen.

The activation of a touch page is done automatically by the terminal program or by the operator with selection of a particular touch page.

For the selection of the various touch pages, a Touch Key with the function fTP must be present.

The name of the touch page can be chosen at will. Some page names are preset, though. A description of these pages can be found in the chapter Touch Page.

Touch Keys

The maintenance of the keys on the right side of the screen is to be carried out with the update program Touch Keys.

Every key has a function name and optional function data. The function names are the same as those of the Key Functions of the hardware keyboard, e.g. TL, ST, FW etc.

The additional key function fTP is used for shift to another touch page by the operator.

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin