Part A: Setting Up Offer Information

Chapters in this part: The following chapters describe how to set up and change offer information:

Chapter 1: Introducing Offer and Source Codes provides an overview of the steps you need to follow and the basic information you need to set up an offer.

Chapter 2: Working with Offers (WOFR) describes how to create and change offer information, set up free gifts, freight charges, service charges, and discounts for an offer.

Chapter 3: Working with Season Codes (WSEA) describes how to create and change season information.

Chapter 4: Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) describes how to create and change promotion value information, which is used in Source Code reporting.

Chapter 5: Working with Source Categories (WSCT) describes how to create and change source categories, which are used for source code reporting in the Forecast system.

Chapter 6: Working with Source Codes (WSRC) describes how to create and change source code information, review source code history, set up free gifts, freight charges, service charges, and discounts for a source code.

Chapter 7: Working with Dollar Chart by Offer (WDCO) describes how to establish freight or service charges by offer.

Chapter 8: Working with Dollar Chart by Source Code (WDCS) describes how to establish freight or service charges by source code.

Chapter 9: Initializing an Offer (MOFI) describes how to save and then delete order and forecast history for an offer, and transfer data from one offer to another.

Chapter 10: Working with Special Pricing by Source Code (WSPP) describes how to define special price breaks for multiple items and/or source code quickly.

Chapter 11: Working with List Source Codes (WLSR) describes how to create, change, delete and display list source codes.

Chapter 12: Working with Recency Codes (WRCC) describes how to create, change, delete and display recency codes.

Chapter 13: Generating Source Codes Using the Source Code Work File (WSRW) explains how to create a CWDirect source code using information defined in the Source Code Work file.

Chapter 14: Creating and Using Single-Use Promotion Codes describes how to set up and use randomly-generated single-use codes to redeem promotions.

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