Chapter 143: Canceling Online Cash Orders Pending Payment (WCOP)

Purpose: Use this menu option to submit a program that automatically cancels orders that contain an online cash pay type that has not been paid by the customer within the number of days specified in the # of Days to Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment (K18) system control value.

Note: You can also submit the auto cancel orders pending payment program using a periodic function; see Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment Periodic Functions for instructions.

In this chapter:

Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment Screen

Online Cash Pending Payment Cancellation Process

Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment

For more information: See:

Online Cash Payment Overview and Setup for an overview on the online cash payment process and the required setup.

Processing Online Cash Payments for the details of the online cash payment process.

Working with Unmatched Payments (WUMP) to review unmatched online cash payments.

Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment Screen

Use this screen to submit a program that automatically cancels orders that contain an online cash pay type that has not been paid by the customer within the number of days specified in the # of Days to Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment (K18) system control value.

How to display this screen: Enter WCOP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu screen or select Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment from a menu.

OER1539 ENTER Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment 2/06/09 15:33:25

Wendys Company

Update Orders . . . . . . . . . . . (Y/N)

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Update orders

Defines whether the system automatically cancels orders that have not been paid by the customer within the specified number of days or whether the system generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment but does not cancel the orders.

Valid values:

Y = The system automatically cancels orders that have not been paid within the specified number of days. The cancelled orders display on the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment.

N = The system generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment but does not cancel the orders.

See Online Cash Pending Payment Cancellation Process.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Submit the Online Cash Pending Payment Cancellation program.

Press F9. See Online Cash Pending Payment Cancellation Process for more information on the processing that occurs.

Online Cash Pending Payment Cancellation Process

The system performs the following steps when you press F9 at the Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment Screen.

Determine which Orders are Eligible for Cancellation

Determine if the Orders should be Automatically Cancelled

Process the Cancellation

Determine which Orders are Eligible for Cancellation

The system considers an order eligible for cancellation if:

• The order contains the online cash pay type (the pay type defined in the Pay Type for Payment Processing (K16) system control value.

• The Amount collected field for the online cash pay type on the Display Order Pay Type Screen (1 of 2) is zero.

• The order date for the order is older than the number of days defined in the # of Days to Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment (K18) system control value.

Example: Number of Days to Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment = 30

If the current date is 2/10 and...

• the order date is 12/30, the order is eligible for cancellation.

• the order date is 2/01, the order is not eligible for cancellation.

Determine if the Orders should be Automatically Cancelled

The setting of the Update orders field on the Auto Cancel Orders Pending Payment Screen determines whether the system cancels the orders or generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment but does not cancel the orders.

• If the Update orders field is set to Y, the system cancels the orders and generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment listing the orders the system has canceled; see Cancelling Pending Payment Orders.

• If the Update orders field is set to N, the system generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment but does not cancel the orders; see Reviewing Pending Payment Orders without Cancelling.

Process the Cancellation


Cancelling Pending Payment Orders

Reviewing Pending Payment Orders without Cancelling

Cancelling Pending Payment Orders

If the Update orders field is set to Y, the system cancels the orders that are eligible for cancellation. In this situation, the system:

• Updates the Order status to C (Cancelled).

• Updates the Order line status for each order detail line to C (Cancelled).

• Updates the Cancel reason for each order detail line to the cancel reason code defined in the Cancel Reason Code for Orders Pending Payment (K19) system control value.

• Updates the Display Order History Screen indicating the order has been automatically cancelled using the Canceling Online Cash Orders Pending Payment (WCOP) menu option. For example: ORDER CANCELLED VIA AUTO FUNCTION WCOP 133.00

• Generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment indicating which orders have been automatically cancelled.

Note: If the system receives an Online Cash Payment Confirmation Response (CWPaymentConfirmationResponse) for an order that has been cancelled, the system will still update the online cash pay type on the order with the paid amount. You will need to contact the online bill pay system to notify them that the order has been cancelled.

Reviewing Pending Payment Orders without Cancelling

If the Update orders field is set to N, the system generates the Cancel Report for Orders Pending Payment but does not cancel the orders.

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