Chapter 90: Working with PkMS Invoice Errors (WPIE)

Purpose: Use the Work with Invoice Errors Screen to review and delete PkMS invoice errors that occurred during PkMS BILLING Async Processing if you are using version 19 of PkMS.

Note: You can review generic invoice errors using the Working with WMS Invoice Errors (WPIE) menu option.

In this chapter:


Work with Invoice Errors Screen


If any of these errors occur, the PkMS BILLING ASYNC stops processing the record and writes the record to the PkMS Invoice Error file.

• the CWDirect company code is not a valid company: Invalid Company Code

• the pick control number is not in an M (submitted to PC Manifest), O (carryover), or P (packed) status: Invalid Pick Control Number

• the line number is not associated with the pick control number: Invalid Line for Pick Control Number

Note: You cannot correct and reprocess shipment confirmation records that contain errors; you must delete the record and receive a new shipment confirmation record from PkMS.

Work with Invoice Errors Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPIE in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with PkMS Invoice Errors from a menu.

PKX0130 DISPLAY Work with Invoice Errors 10/04/00 15:51:53


Opt Cmp PkMS Pick# Pck# Line# Ord Nbr

Type options, press Enter.


50 0014336 0 00007256

Invalid Mozart Pick Control Number

50 0000000947 0014334 3 00007262

Invalid Line for Pick Control Number

50 0000339392 0021023 0 00001234

Invalid Pick Control Number

53 0014131 0 00007257

Invalid Company Code

554 000318 0002980 0 00004086

Invalid Company Code

554 3792 0002973 0 00004078

Invalid Company Code


F3=Exit F11=Delete all F12=Cancel



Cmp (Company)

The CWDirect company where the invoice error occurred.

When you first advance to this screen, the system positions you to the company you are currently in.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

PkMS pick#

The PkMS batch control number from the PkMS Invoice Header file that contains the invoice error.

Numeric, 10 positions; optional.


The CWDirect pick control number from the PkMS Invoice Header file that contains the invoice error.

Numeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The pick ticket line number that contains the invoice error.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Ord nbr

The CWDirect order number associated with the pick ticket that contains the invoice error.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a PkMS invoice error

Enter 4 next to an invoice error to delete it.

Delete all PkMS invoice errors

Press F11.

WH13_19 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN