Canceling an Item

Purpose: In order maintenance, enter 4 next to an item at the Work with Order Lines Screen to cancel it from an order. You can cancel the entire open (unshipped) quantity of the item or lower the quantity (for example, to correct a keying error).

If you use price table pricing, canceling an item may affect pricing and premium items. See Changing Item Detail Line Information.

If the quantity you cancel was reserved, it will now be available for other orders.

Order status: The system updates the Status field on the order header screen to Closed if you cancel the last (remaining) item on an order. The system updates the Status field on the order header screen to Canceled if you cancel every item on the order.

Restrictions: You cannot:

• Cancel an item if a pick slip has been printed. Instead, you must first void the pick slip. See Fulfillment Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP).

• Use a cancel reason that reduces demand if the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

• Cancel an item if the Restrict Cancellations (CA) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

• Cancel an order line assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder) if you do not have the required authority under the Cancel Order Broker Lines (B19) secured feature. Instead, the screen displays an error: Not authorized to this option.

Canceling an item on a retail pickup or delivery order: See Maintaining a Retail Pickup or Delivery Order for information on the additional activity that takes place when you cancel an item on one of these orders.

Pre-billable items: If you cancel a pre-billable item before pre-billing occurs, the system automatically cancels the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) at the same time. If you cancel a pre-billable item after pre-billing, the system does not automatically refund the pre-billed amount. Optionally, you can process a return against the pre-bill amount item or apply a negative charge in order to refund the customer.

See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for general background on pre-billing.

Special handling charge breaks? When you cancel an item, the system does not recalculate handling charges using the S/H charge breaks that apply in order entry. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

In this topic:

Enter Cancel Reason Window

Item Cancellation Results

For more information: See Canceling an Order through Order Maintenance.

Enter Cancel Reason Window

To cancel: Enter 4 next to an item at the Work with Order Lines Screen to cancel it. You advance to this pop-up window.

Note: If the order line is currently assigned to the Order Broker for fulfillment (brokered backorder), you first advance to the Confirm Order Broker Cancel Window. See the Brokered Backorder Integration with Locate for an overview.

Enter Cancel Reason

Order # : 5333 - 1

Line# . : 4

Item . . : AUGIE

AUGIE DOGGIE DOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- Current Quantity --- -- Cancel --

Ord Can S/O Shp Qty Rsn

1 0 0 0 1

Recalculate freight . . . . . (Y,N)

F2=Change cancel quantity F12=Cancel



Order #

A unique number to identify an order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship to number (unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

This value indicates the number of shipping addresses on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


A code for a unit of inventory. Item numbers are defined in and validated against the Item file. See Merchandising Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU (Unlabeled fields to the right of the item number)

The unique characteristics of an item, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field below Item field)

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Current quantity ord (Quantity ordered)

The number of units of this item originally ordered.

Note: If you have previously canceled units of this item with a cancel reason code set to reduce demand, the quantity in this field is reduced by the quantity canceled. See Item Cancellation Results.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Current quantity can (Quantity canceled)

The quantity of this item that has been canceled previously.

Note: If you have previously canceled any units with a cancel reason code set to reduce demand, that quantity is not included in this field. See Item Cancellation Results.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Current quantity S/O (Current quantity sold out)

The quantity of this item that has been sold out.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Current quantity shp (Current quantity shipped)

The quantity of the item that has shipped.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Cancel qty (Quantity to cancel)

The quantity of the item to cancel. This field defaults to the quantity remaining on the line, calculated as:


Quantity ordered - (quantity canceled + quantity sold out + quantity shipped) =

Quantity to cancel


Press F2 to change this value, if necessary.

A message appears if you try to cancel more units than are currently open (unshipped):


Quantity to be canceled (xx) exceeds remaining open quantity (xx).


Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Cancel rsn (Cancel reason code)

The reason for canceling the line.

Cancel reason codes are defined in and validated against the Cancel Reason file. See Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).

Note: You cannot use a cancel reason that reduces demand if the order type matches the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value. See Amazon Order Feed for an overview.

Numeric, 2 positions; required.

Recalculate freight

This value determines whether the system refunds the freight charge to the customer for the canceled items.

Valid values are:

Y =Recalculate and refund freight.

N (default) = Do not recalculate and refund freight.

The Recalculate Freight Default (F62) system control value controls the default setting of this field, but you can override this default.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


1. Enter a valid cancel reason code in the Rsn field.

2. Optionally, press F2 to change the quantity of the item to cancel and enter the new quantity in the Qty field.

3. Optionally, change the value in the Recalculate freight field.

4. Press Enter.

Pre-billable items: If the item you are cancelling is pre-billable, a pop-up window indicates that the pre-billed deposit will not automatically be refunded.

The cancelled line is a Pre-billed special order item.

Pre-billed amount will not be automatically refunded.

Cancel or return pre-bill amount item? Optionally, you can process a return against the pre-bill amount item provided you have the required authority under the Maintenance of Pre Billed Amount Item (B18) secured feature, or apply a negative additional charge. The Maintenance of Pre Billed Amount Item (B18) secured feature also controls the ability to cancel the pre-bill amount item before pre-billing occurs. See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for an overview.

Item Cancellation Results

The effect of canceling an item depends on:

• whether you cancel the entire open quantity, and

• whether you reduce demand.

You reduce demand if you use a cancel reason code with the Reduce? (Reduce demand?) field set to Y. One reason to reduce demand is if the quantity ordered was keyed incorrectly (10 units instead of 1).

The results of the different types of item cancellations are described in the table:

Type of Cancellation

Line Status

Quantity Ordered

Canceled Quantity

Cancel entire quantity and reduce demand

X (closed)

reduced to zero

not affected

Cancel entire quantity and don't reduce demand

C (canceled)

not affected

increased (by entire quantity ordered)

Cancel partial quantity and reduce demand

not affected

reduced (by quantity being canceled)

not affected

Cancel partial quantity and don't reduce demand

not affected

reduced (by quantity being canceled)

increased (by quantity being canceled)


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