Note: The information in this section applies to page requests processed by the AssemblerPipelineServlet only. For information about page requests that are processed using the InvokeAssembler servlet bean, see the InvokeAssembler section.

For page requests processed by the AssemblerPipelineServlet, the AssemblerTools.getContentPath() method calculates the content path to pass to the Assembler (for example, /browse). The content path identifies the page in Experience Manager whose content should be rendered. The content path is relative to the current site; for example, if the current site is storeus and the content path is /browse, then the /browse page will be retrieved for the storeus site.

The getContentPath() method extracts the content path from the request URL by removing substrings that match the values of properties of the siteConfiguration item for the site. For example, if a request is made to http://localhost:8080/crs/storeus/browse/:

So, in this example, if one of the production URLs is /crs/storeus, the resulting content path is /browse/. If none of the URLs match the request URI and the context root is /crs, the resulting content path is /storeus/browse/.

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