The /atg/endeca/clickthrough/servlet/SearchClickThroughServlet is inserted into the DAF servlet pipeline after the SiteSessionEventTrigger. When a user clicks a link to view a search result, SearchClickThroughServlet reads the click-through ID from the request URL and looks up the record in the SearchRequestCache. If it finds the record, it triggers a SearchClickThroughMessage JMS event, which includes the search ID, the record ID, and data about the search request.

To configure this servlet, set the following properties:

Limiting the Pages to Examine

By default, this servlet examines all URLs to look for click-through IDs. This process can be inefficient, because only product detail pages will typically have these IDs. Therefore SearchClickThroughServlet has a clickThroughPages property that you can use to limit the pages to examine. This property is an array of URLs, which can include asterisk (*) characters as wildcards. If clickThroughPages is not null, SearchClickThroughServlet examine only the URLs that match one of the clickThroughPages entries. For example, you could set clickThroughPages to:


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