If your environment includes multiple MDEX engines (for example, multiple languages with a separate MDEX per language), configuring the retrieval of content requires a few more steps than in a single-MDEX environment.

As discussed in the Query Integration chapter, in a multiple-MDEX environment, the Guided Search integration uses a separate WorkbenchContentSource for each EAC application. Each WorkbenchContentSource requires a separate instance of FileStoreFactory to retrieve the appropriate content for the corresponding EAC application.

The /atg/endeca/assembler/AssemblerApplicationConfiguration component can automatically create a FileStoreFactory for each WorkbenchContentSource it creates and set a reference to that FileStoreFactory on the WorkbenchContentSource. This behavior is enabled by setting the value of the useFileStoreFactory property of the AssemblerApplicationConfiguration component to true.

In addition, the /atg/endeca/assembler/admin/EndecaAdministrationService component can manage the updates to the store factories. This behavior is enabled by changing the class of the component from com.endeca.infront.assembler.servlet.admin.AdministrationService to atg.endeca.assembler.MultiAppAdministrationService. The MultiAppAdministrationService class extends AdministrationService to enable handling of updates to multiple store factory instances.

Two options for configuring content retrieval in a multiple-MDEX environment are described below:

  • Creating FileStoreFactory instances automatically from a prototype-scoped component.

  • Creating FileStoreFactory instances from properties files.

Note that both sets of instructions assume you have already created all of the EAC applications and configured the various Oracle Commerce Platform routing components, as discussed in the Routingchapter.

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