The user directory employs standard Oracle Commerce Platform SQL repository caching techniques as described in SQL Repository Caching in the Repository Guide. By default, caching is turned off for all user directory item descriptor types.

Each item descriptor type in the user directory has a corresponding cache component that maps repository IDs to persistent repository items. The cache component is identified in the Caching section of the file. For example, in the default file, the property userCache points to the atg/userprofiling/userCache component (class atg.service.cache.Cache).

The default properties file for the userCache component is shown in the following example:


# caching is off by default

The properties you can set for the userCache component are shown in the following table:


Default Value/Description


The Nucleus address of the adapter that retrieves items not found in the cache.

Default: /atg/userprofiling/userCacheAdapter


The maximum number of entries in the cache.

0 = cache nothing. Always get objects from the cacheAdapter.

-1 = unlimited (Default)


The maximum number of bytes in the cache.

0 = cache nothing. Always get objects from the cacheAdapter.

-1 = unlimited (Default)


The maximum time, in milliseconds, that an entry can exist in the cache.

0 = cache nothing. Always get objects from the cacheAdapter.

-1 = cache entries never expire (Default)


The maximum number of bytes in a single cache entry.

0 = cache nothing. Always get objects from the cacheAdapter.

-1 = unlimited number of cache entries (Default)

Each cache component points to a corresponding cache adapter component, which retrieves items from the repository that are not in the cache. For example, as shown above, the userCache component points to atg/userprofiling/userCacheAdapter (class atg.userdirectory.repository.UserCacheAdapter). The following sample shows the default properties file for the userCacheAdapter component:



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