The Scenario Manager definition file, scenarioManager.xml, contains an event registry that specifies various pieces of configuration information for the scenario events in your system. You add your custom message to this registry as part of the creation process.

Note that, for compatibility with Oracle Commerce Platform products before version 6.0, the event registry in the scenarioManager.xml file is turned off by default. To enable the scenario event registry, set the useEventRegistry property to true in the ScenarioManager component. If you do not enable the scenario event registry, add the custom message to the DMS message registry instead (see the next section).

The following example shows the event registry entries for the clickthrough event we are adding:


    Link clicked
    Message generated when user clicks a link


The <message-context> tag defines the nature of the message’s originating context. The following values are recognized:

If the <message-context> tag is omitted, no assumptions are made concerning the message’s context. For example, the “Dynamo Starts” event does not specify a message context, while the “Visits Page” event has the request context, because it occurs in the context of a user request. Our custom message has a request context, since it clearly occurs in the context of a request.

The <message-scope> tag defines whether the event you are adding is a global event or an individual event. Global events (for example, the Dynamo Starts event) apply to all visitors who have reached that stage of the scenario. Individual events (for example, the Visits Page event) apply to specific visitors only. Thus, if a Dynamo Starts event occurs in a scenario, all visitors at the corresponding place in the scenario are affected by the event. On the other hand, if a Visits Page event occurs, only the people who visit the page are affected. Effectively, individual events act as filters that narrow the number of people who progress through the scenario.

Typically, a message with a request or session context represents an individual event, while a message with no context specified represents a global event. The default value for the <message-scope> tag is individual.

The <display-name>tag is used by the scenario editor interface in the ACC. It determines the label that appears for the event in the Events dropdown menu. Any message you add to the registry in this way appears by default in the events menu. If there are messages appearing as events that you would rather not show, you can include a <hidden> element, set to true, that prevents them from appearing.

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