Important: In previous versions of the Personalization module, it was possible to use the implicit linking technique described in this chapter to split your profile information between a SQL and an LDAP repository. Although you can still use this type of profile configuration, it is no longer recommended, and it has been superseded by the composite repository configuration described in Setting Up a Composite Profile Repository. The information in this chapter does still apply, however, if you want to configure an LDAP-based user directory as described earlier in this manual (see Setting Up an LDAP User Directory.)

This chapter contains the following sections:

Using Implicit Repository Linking
Describes the system that allows you to split profile data between two repositories.

Defining the SQL/LDAP Linked Repositories
Explains how to configure your XML definition files to fit your linked repository model.

Sample SQL/LDAP Linked Repository Definitions
Contains examples of XML files that define the SQL and LDAP repositories.

Configuring Personalization Module Components for Linked Repositories
Describes how to configure Personalization Server to use the linked repositories.

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