Relative roles apply to leaders, members, and guests of a particular community. The administrative authority granted by a relative role applies only to the community in which it was given, and does not apply to any other community. The ability of relative role holders to administer their communities and personal portals is subject to the limits set by the Portal Administrator.

Community Leader

The Community Leader assigns new members to the community, and chooses the default gears, color, and layouts for the community’s pages. Community Leader status is assigned by the Portal Administrator. Existing Community Leaders can also assign Community Leader status to other Community Members. Community Leaders can also configure default gear settings and permissions for their communities.

Community Member

A Community Member is one of the most common roles in a community. Once they have logged in, members typically have full read/write access to the community. For example, a community member could read and write to a community discussion board. Members usually also have the ability to customize the appearance and content of their personal portals.

Community Guest

A Community Guest is a logged in user who has permission to view a community portal page, but does not have full membership access to that portal. For example, a company’s Sales community might have permission to view the portals of other communities as guests of those communities. The ability of Community Guests to interact with portals is subject to the security settings of the portal.

Registered User

A registered user visitor is a visitor that has logged in to the portal, but does not have a role as a leader or member within the community. Depending on the permissions in the PAF, registered user access may not be permitted in your portals and communities.

Anonymous Access

An anonymous access visitor is a visitor that has not logged in to the portal. Depending on the permissions in the PAF, anonymous access may not be permitted in your portals and communities. Once anonymous access visitors log in to the portal, they automatically lose anonymous access status and assume their community roles, or registered user status if the visitors do not have community roles.

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